It just stopped working, black screen, won't hard or soft reset


Jun 25, 2012
Nook Tablet purchased 4/21 this year, barely 2 months old, the 8g. Yesterday morning worked fine, in the afternoon I turned it on, got distracted and never entered my PIN, it went into hibernation. Later tried to turn on and even though cord indicated it was charged nothing happened. Tried the 20 sec reset attempt. Gave up. Recharged for several hours today and it's still dead/won't turn on. Tried connecting to my pc, still won't turn on.

Web chatted cust service who did the basics, soft, hard reset and told me I have to take it to a store or call tech and return to them. Purchased from Target, they only have 45 day return. Called B&N and was told to plan on leaving it or being there at least an hour while they call tech support to verify my call??? told them I did a customer service chat and they told me to call tech support just for the record of it?

Bottom line without the complaining. B&N said at most I will get a refurb and be lucky if I walk out of the store with it. I have an N2A card but it was last used several days before this. I don't want a refurb after 2 months, can I take this thing apart to reset it internally? Will the local pc shop be able to do something? Last choice if I go to B&N, out of my way and a pain, will they be able to detect N2A card usage? Is there a chance the N2A card did this? :mad:
Nobody will know you ever used a n2a card,if you don't forget it inside the slot :)
I would go to a B&N store, they are supposed to give you support in all their stores.But if you want a new tablet just write a smart letter, saying that you, your friends and family own a nookcolor or tablet, e reader and nobody ever had any problem so your tablet must be a defective one , because it broke in only two months of use and you would like a new one.
Make it big on the fact that you are a good customer and believe in their products and recommends them to everybody!
Sorry for the loss.....they are really great tablets and yours might have been defective,