iView Cyberpad 796TPC first impression


Apr 13, 2013
IVIEWUS - CyberPad Tablet PC (Iview 7" Dual Core, Dual Camera, 2G/3G, Capacitive Tablet PC )

Android Version: 4.0.4
Baseband version: MAU.11AMDW122 SP.V.2012 19:07:13 HKT 2013
Kernel version: 3.0.13
Build: ALPS.ICS2.MP.v1.9

Note: This is my first Android tablet. I've owned several Android phones including a Samsung Galaxy Y which I thought was useless.

Over-all impression: Impressive for the money. Some warts...
Bottom Line: Need to get another one, my gf and I are always competing for who gets to play with it.

Plus: Dual Sim support, Applications are responsive, Screen resolution is good
Warts: Battery Life (no optimizations done yet, out of box), Had system hang hard once, cleared when battery empty., WiFi signal reception is relatively poor.
Wish List: Screen is very hard to read when exposed to any amount of sunlight.

Thoughts on 7 inch form factor: Very Good for Skype, Email, and IM. Great for games, video, and music. Ok but not great for surfing. Must have a keyboard to be usable for any kind of productivity application (word processor, spreadsheet, programming, etc...) A little awkward but ok as a phone.

Next Steps: Try USB and Bluetooth Keyboard, Install VNC/RDP/SSH Utilities, Root the system, Figure out how to move applications over to the 32Gig MicroSD card I purchased.

- Vince
Hooked up a USB hub yesterday and connected: USB Mouse (A4) , USB Keyboard (A4), and a USB Flash drive. Worked like a champ, I'm impressed. Loaded JuiceSSH and VX ConnecBot, haven't tried them yet.