Jerky Video w/Vegan Tab 5.1?


Jan 21, 2011
I have a movie that I copied to the external SD card. When I watch it using QQPlayer it "stutters" a bit. Not smooth playback. Is this a VeganTab problem? or because I am pulling so much data from an SD card? Opinions? Thoughts?
I haven't used Vegan so I cannot help you regarding the ROM itself, but there are several options of what's causing it.

What type of video, SD card speed/class, how big the movie file is etc. can help someone determine if the video has a chance of playing smooth in the first place on the Gtab.

From my reading that should handle most video, but not all video types are actually decoded the same. If you can give that info someone can probably determine with more certainty where the problem lies or if they can verify issues with Vegan like yours.
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I would start by Looking the Foxreal site and use the video converter they have i have used it and it works fine video plays back smooth


I haven't used Vegan so I cannot help you regarding the ROM itself, but there are several options of what's causing it.

What type of video, SD card speed/class, how big the movie file is etc. can help someone determine if the video has a chance of playing smooth in the first place on the Gtab.

From my reading that should handle most video, but not all video types are actually decoded the same. If you can give that info someone can probably determine with more certainty where the problem lies or if they can verify issues with Vegan like yours.
I put my movies on usb thumb drives instead of memory. I convert them to avi and average 1 GB per movie.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
Have you tried a different kernel? Just a heads up, the stock kernel on 5.1.1 is the only one that can play Plants vs Zombies. All others cause the game to crash.

Pershoot makes a great clean kernel for the g-tab and I would highly recommend it. Also, check your memory settings and make sure you have a lot of RAM free to rule out a resource issue.
This gentleman, TEK112, is very knowledgeable and highly respected at XDA. Many benefited from his advises.
Btw, Beasty rom has retained some vegan kernel plus that of NI and Clemsyn (?). This rom played Plantz vs Zombies just fine.

This gentleman, TEK112, is very knowledgeable and highly respected at XDA. Many benefited from his advises.
Btw, Beasty rom has retained some vegan kernel plus that of NI and Clemsyn (?). This rom played Plantz vs Zombies just fine.


My apologies, but I just saw this, thanks to tapatalk.

That is very kind of you to say. Thanks.

Sent from my G-Tab running Flashback 7.0 using tapatalk.