Just bought an archos 70!

There are so many things to suggest and so little to know what you plan to use it with or for. The 70 will likely come with a Firmware of 2.0.71 or 2.0.54. The first thing you will want to is amazingly enough is to register it over the air. This will allow you to use some to the apps. If you want to Root your device, you will not want to move beyond one of these Firmwares. But, there are known issues with each firmware. I would advise you to review the firmware history at the Archos site under support and Downloads.

The second thing I would do is remove the bloatware if you do not want it. The apps FRING and the French music streaming app are two examples. You only have 256Mb of Operating RAM and the less apps you have preloaded the better.

I would then load from Appslib or one of the other source the Market loader. There are two different types I used the Gappsinstaller_V5 on my 101/16 I know there are others. Once you have successfully loaded Market. Complete the "Market fix". THis will allow you to run Market more successfully

Then load the appstore from Amazon. Visit it once a day for your free app every day.

Now you have all of the appstores needed to choose your apps to install on your 70

Games: AngryBirds of course and the various other ones.
Flash: 10.2 will work and can be found on various appstores
Streaming Music: Pandora has issues for some reason on Archos. I am happy using Tunein
Utilities: WIFI analyzer
And on and on....

Best of luck and enjoy
hey thanks gurgle, yeah this will be my first tablet so we will see how this goes lol. i want to put a lot of my movies and music on there and just put some funs apps on it and hopefully sync my calendar/schedule with my phone. are there any other suggestions you might have? i really appreciate it