just got a gtab


May 10, 2011
got the g tab and have to say it is beautiful. running 3588 stock rom. I am interested in cm7 and when more stable honeycomb. I'm in love with this thing!
got the g tab and have to say it is beautiful. running 3588 stock rom. I am interested in cm7 and when more stable honeycomb. I'm in love with this thing!

Yes, the G Tab is sweet. I got mine a couple of weeks ago. I don't think you will ever find so much hardware packed in a tablet of that price. The only problem that I'm having is settling on a rom. I tried CM7 and VegAN-Tab, but went with VegAN-Tab because it has a much nicer user interface imho (even though it too is based on CM7). But there are tons more roms out there, and I am ready to try another one because ... well, just because.
can you do video chat on this thing? does vegan support that/
Gratz on your purchase and welcome to the forums!

Check out the stickies. You'll find tons of information.
Yes, the G Tab is sweet. I got mine a couple of weeks ago. I don't think you will ever find so much hardware packed in a tablet of that price. The only problem that I'm having is settling on a rom. I tried CM7 and VegAN-Tab, but went with VegAN-Tab because it has a much nicer user interface imho (even though it too is based on CM7). But there are tons more roms out there, and I am ready to try another one because ... well, just because.

I am the same way with ROMs. We even have a flash-a-holics group here, once you start you keep looking for the bigger better ROM!
We even have a flash-a-holics group here, once you start you keep looking for the bigger better ROM!

I am the worst one of the bunch. So far, however, I found that every rom is great in its own way. Some preferred based froyo, others preferred gingerbread, or Honey Comb or even stock rom. I like them all, considering the great efforts that the developers invested for public interests. The only thing that annoys me related to the internal and external sd card. Stock rom uses them as SDCARD and SDCARD2. But some rom's use EMMC and SDCARD instead. It would be nice that all rom's would be standardized in this aspect to eliminate confusion.

Another observation related to kernel. This is rather unique for custom rom's. Kernel improves performance and adds additional functionality, but it is confusing to many, especially when there are not too many instructions and explanations in laymen term for new users. Nevertheless, it has became a necessity, for the lack of better word, for every custom rom.

After a while, I came to a conclusion that, for a new user who just wants a good one then move on, then the combo of VEGAn GingerEd rom + Pershoot kernel would be the choice for both working and for entertaining. On top of that, google for the best or popular apps, i.e. CHART OF THE DAY: Here's The Most Popular Apps On Android, iPhone, And BlackBerry, Most Popular Android Apps, Best Android Apps. The other great apps to have are add UPnPlay, Screen Grabber, RockPlayer Universal, dropbox, PlantsVsZombies.

Perhaps we are to have a new thread that lists must-have apps.

My 2 cents input.