Just KNEW I'd Do It Eventually!


Jul 16, 2011
Tonite when I got home I found that Tiny's power supply wouldnt charge anymore...

So whaddid I do? OPENED HIM UP, of course! :rolleyes:

... and here's what I found out.

CPU - ZeniTHINK Zt180a - p2v654.0
Hynix H27ubg8t2ATR (4Gb NAND 'HD')
KH KH29sv400CBTC-70Q (512Mb NOR Flash) ** common in MANY devices **

system board (and a SMALL SUCKA it is too!)
SHOUYING m799rb-128x8-MAINB=V2.0 (2011.12.01)

Stickered P799RGM v2.0 sn 12020193alxxxxxxx

So... Tiny is basicaly a zenithink m799 with a software upgrade... plus some, I suspect.

He was alot easier to put back together than to take apart... IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN...

The two halves of the shell SLIDE APART (Front to RIGHT, back to LEFT) once the screw is removed from the right (connector) side...
Damaged a couple of the retaining points, but luckily not too many. Still looks/feels good when reassembled!

NOW... to wait & see about a replacement power supply!


Oh... found the pad(s) for the JTAG connector too... :rolleyes:
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Have heard from eMatic already today... and have begun the RMA procedure.

They want me to send them the old p/s, of all things... but that's okay.
As long as they send me a replacement as 'promised' I will be happy.
The BRAND-NEW xl pro 2 I just got ALSO has a 5v power supply, and WILL CHARGE from USB...
I can charge it from USB and allow Tiny to use its p/s until the new one arrives! All is hunkie-dorie at this point! :D
Have heard from eMatic already today... and have begun the RMA procedure.

They want me to send them the old p/s, of all things... but that's okay.
As long as they send me a replacement as 'promised' I will be happy.
The BRAND-NEW xl pro 2 I just got ALSO has a 5v power supply, and WILL CHARGE from USB...
I can charge it from USB and allow Tiny to use its p/s until the new one arrives! All is hunkie-dorie at this point! :D

That is the only way I charge my tablet. I hate that puny little charger...
Well, should it happen again, Im gonna cut the wire off and attach the cord to a more reliable/capable charger...
Unless, of course, I snap it off. :rolleyes:

Good thing the XP pro 2 also uses the same charger! :D