keyboard app recommendations?

Any issues getting it to work on the NC?

1+ here ... I'm seeing a number of people say how great this or that keyboard works. I've tried them all, including the nookdevs suggestions to load, but the only thing my rooted 1.1.0 will do when trying to open Settings > Keyboard ... bam ... back to Home screen. Apparently its sheer luck to get one to work. :mad:
cvhovey -- After reading your post, I tried the Settings>Keyboard the same result. Right back to the Home screen...!

Interesting, living out here on the edge...
I was able to install it using the installer posted by the Dev. You have to already have the Thumb Keyboard apk.

xda-developers - View Single Post - [App] Thumb Keyboard Now Working Well for NC
Tried this, but didn't work for me. I'm getting to wonder if the the "Nook Color V1.1.0" Pre-Rooted ROM, which I think already swapped out the stock keyboard for multitouch, in some way affected the ability to even open Settings > Keyboard. Although its installed and I can access the info/settings from launcher, cannot use the keyboard itself. Followed all the steps and even did an extra reboot, all I can get is Settings > Keyboard ... bam ... back to Home screen. So can't choose to use it.

Anyone out there who bumped up from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 via the "Nook Color V1.1.0" Pre-Rooted ROM able to get it to work?? :confused:
Tried this, but didn't work for me. I'm getting to wonder if the the "Nook Color V1.1.0" Pre-Rooted ROM, which I think already swapped out the stock keyboard for multitouch, in some way affected the ability to even open Settings > Keyboard. Although its installed and I can access the info/settings from launcher, cannot use the keyboard itself. Followed all the steps and even did an extra reboot, all I can get is Settings > Keyboard ... bam ... back to Home screen. So can't choose to use it.

Anyone out there who bumped up from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 via the "Nook Color V1.1.0" Pre-Rooted ROM able to get it to work?? :confused:

Right here :D
^ Hmmm ... and thanks. Then something may have corrupted my Settings causing it to close when choosing Keyboard. I'm making a nandroid then as a stab in the dark try flashing Nook Color overtop my set-up since it doesn't require doing a wipe. Hopefully that will fix the issue.
After trying all the keyboard apps recommended in this thread I gotta go with Thumb Keyboard. Its designed for tablets and the spacing is great for thumbs.
Thumbs is working great for me.Only problem is that I don't have Greek keyboard.Anyone knows how to install this?

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
Also, after each reboot I have to activate again Thumb keyboard from settings.
Is there any way to make this change permanent?
I am using ThumbKeyboard and Tswipe which is a swype like keyboard from Thailand. Tswipe also includes an arrow pad.

Thumb Keyboard has an arrow pad when not in landscape mode. I wouldn't be surprised if you could configure the landscape view to have the keys as well, though I've never tried.
ThumbKeyboard has several layouts to choose from, some include arrows. In the marketplace, they pictured a standard layout with arrows on the bottom that looked really good. But, that is not currently compatible with the NC. The developer replied to me that he hoped to have an update in the future to include the arrows.

This probably should be a separate topic, but it is too bad some developer does not come up with a cursor/arrow app. I would buy it! My screen is not very touch sensitive (or my fingers are too stubby) and it is frustrating trying to move the cursor back to a specific place.
I've been trying to install slideit with same negative results. I saw a page back that Jyams installed it so I just left him a message to please come over here and tell us how he did it. Hopefully he',ll listen to our cry for help!