Kindle Fire


Dec 19, 2012
My wife bought a Kindle Fire off of Ebay over a year ago and when she tried to register it, Amazon said it was reported stolen. We contacted our local police and they said they did a search and found nothing. We contacted the person that sold it and he sent us the receipt where he bought it. We went round and round with Amazon for 6 months and gave up.

A year later, I tried again to register it and Amazon said they only need the person that sold it to us to call them and straighten everything out. Wouldn't you know it, that person is gone and I can't contact them.

Is there a way around registering it,a way to root it to something else or what are my best options?
Unfortunately when it was first reported stolen and you were able to contact the original seller what you really needed to do was have them ok a deregistration at that point. They were confused about it being stolen when it simply needed to be deregistered by the original owner. I am not extremely familiar with the Kindle but you should be able to put a custom ROM on it and not have to register it with Amazon.