Kinpad I600 7" Capacitive, Phone 3G GPS Wifi HDMI 2.2

You mean the one on the right. Doesen't help.
I can switch it on and off.
Still not response.

Haha now it is working again.
Made 20 reboots and throw it on the table - voila it rotate the sceeen again.

Strange bur it works.

Sent from my I60M using Tapatalk

The internal rotation sensor was stuck. When you jolted the tablet it reset the sensor. The small sensor has a counter weight connected to a tiny shaft and the counter weight slides as you rotate the tablet, if the counter weight sticks, thus stopping the rotation function of the tablet. Here is an example:

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Hi there,

After 2 weeks of testing the newest 1.4 firmware version I now want to let you know about my discovered issues:

1) no lock screen in landscape mode. You always have to rotate your tablet into portrait mode...
2) uncompatible apps, like Adobe Flash Player, Youtube, Google Earth (has been announced already in this thread)
3) problems with playing videos in Rockplayer, using hardware decoding mode. This player worked very well in earlier versions. With that firmware the video is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen without a chance to get a fullscreen. Software decoding mode works well.
4) same issues like in 3) with the official youtube app
5) Where the fu** is the WiFi guideline?

Did you guys discovered that mentioned issues as well?

Best regards

Sent from my I60M using Tapatalk
Im not having an issue with lock screen, It works flawlessly on my kinpad. Im not having any issues with the wifi settings either. As far as the applications, Im not running some of those, flash player 10.3 works fine other than its a little jittery as usual. I did notice v1.3 has faster response time and v1.4 has issues when chaning the alarm clock ringtones and system ringtones. I did have widget locker installed & that app is a resource hog, & was probably my whole problem.
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Hi there,

After 2 weeks of testing the newest 1.4 firmware version I now want to let you know about my discovered issues:

1) no lock screen in landscape mode. You always have to rotate your tablet into portrait mode...
2) uncompatible apps, like Adobe Flash Player, Youtube, Google Earth (has been announced already in this thread)
3) problems with playing videos in Rockplayer, using hardware decoding mode. This player worked very well in earlier versions. With that firmware the video is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen without a chance to get a fullscreen. Software decoding mode works well.
4) same issues like in 3) with the official youtube app
5) Where the fu** is the WiFi guideline?

Did you guys discovered that mentioned issues as well?

Best regards

Sent from my I60M using Tapatalk

Have tried moboplayer, I think it works better. What wifi problems are you having? I copy apps from my phone that aren't available in market. Its a market problem I think not the tablet. Try reflashing the tablet as well, make sure you have a good download. V1.3 had more apps as part of the rom you might want to stick with that if you had no issues.

Sent from EVO 4G using Tapatalk.
Maybe its just me but v1.2 seems more stable than 1.3 or 1.4. I wasn't seeing any issues or force closing screens until I updated to v1.4 I am currently at v1.3 only because the 3G update.
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I tried out mobo player its really nice, although if you stream media to mobo from es file explorer via local network, larger, high rez video plays slowly. large AVI plays flawlessly.
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Maybe its just me but v1.2 seems more stable than 1.3 or 1.4. I wasn't seeing any issues or force closing screens until I updated to v1.4 I am currently at v1.3 only because the 3G update.

I think I'll stick with v1.3 for now.

I don't suppose you have the pinouts for the 30-pin usb do you as I'd like to try hooking up to my hdtv via hdmi?
Sorry, I do not have the pin out and it may be a waste of your time. I dont think the kinpad mainboard video chip is wired through the kinpad 30 pin connector. This is why show china didn't include a video out cable. I could be wrong, but without a diagram we will never know. The best advice I can give you would be to contact show china and ask them if it is possible to play video through the 30 pin connector, which I think is extremely doubtful. I had to make my own charging cable and luckily it was another member of this forum that helped me with that. THERE ABSOLUTELY NO ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE AT ALL...... NOT EVEN A SIMPLE HOME CHARGER CAN BE PURCHASED, SWINDLED, CONED, HORNSWOGGLED, NEGOTIATED , TRADED OR CHISELED FOR THE "CHINPAD I600'..........LOL;)
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Hornswoggled - will have to remember that one as not heard it before (and no I don't get out much)!
For what? charging and data transfer?

Yes, for charging and sync. I was going to use the hacked cable with a switch, then integrate into a docking station. Maybe if I can figure out if their is audio out of the Tablets 30 Pin connector I can make a speaker dock as well. Make a cool juke box.
Can't download pictures with the stock text messaging app. I was able to with 2.2 . I downloaded and installed Handcent SMS, pretty cool app way better than that cheezy stock messenger. Ive noticed these problems with v1.3 on my tablet....alot of installed apps running at startup, locking up or no / slow response when attempting to change clock or system from factory ringtone, bluetooth having random issues with finding my headset, works fine after reboot, weak cellular signal, weak 3G or edge signal even with a $400.00 wilson cellular booster installed on the outside of my house, "my other phone has no signal issues in the same location same sims card 4 to 5 bars", AGPS still completely useless, VPN running without selecting it, Not being able to type messages in this forums text box from default browser or dolphin browser. This tablet is not worth $399.00 more like $150.00 to $175.00 range. Its been a huge hassle. Last but not least...............Absolutly no accessories.
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Yes, for charging and sync. I was going to use the hacked cable with a switch, then integrate into a docking station. Maybe if I can figure out if their is audio out of the Tablets 30 Pin connector I can make a speaker dock as well. Make a cool juke box.

That would be GREAT. Now all we need are the pinouts! I'll see if I can get them from ShowChina.