Le Pan Mini TC802A Questions


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2013
Just joined the forum. This is my first tablet. I went to Lepan website BUT they don't list a manual for my model. I have contacted LePan but no response yet. So without a manual to read iam totally on my own. So if I ad a micro SD card will it create folders on this micro sd card for places to say put pictures. Right now the internal storage space has a folder for pictures were I transferred pictures too with usb cable from PC to pictures folder on tablet. BUT if I ad a micro sd card how will the tablet be able to find pictures on this micro sd card? Is there some way to tell the tablet to look at both the internal storage folder pictures AND the micro SD card? Again wish I had a manual. I ask because I want to ad some large HD movies but internal memory having only about 4 gig available out of the 8gb it came with doesn't give me enough room. I want to ad a 32 gig card for movie storage. Any class 10 I would assume would work fine?

Ok another question. I have heard so much about the game Angry Birds I wanted to try it. Does this game come in a freeware version or is this only a game you can get if you buy it. I just wanted to try it to see what all the hubbub was about.

Third question, charging. Right now I have charged this for about 9 hours yet the battery thin that shows a picture of a battery still doesn't show it full but about half full. According to the Frequently asked questions on LePans website it should show a picture were the battery is ALL green. Is this normal?
Just joined the forum. This is my first tablet. I went to Lepan website BUT they don't list a manual for my model. I have contacted LePan but no response yet. So without a manual to read iam totally on my own. So if I ad a micro SD card will it create folders on this micro sd card for places to say put pictures. Right now the internal storage space has a folder for pictures were I transferred pictures too with usb cable from PC to pictures folder on tablet. BUT if I ad a micro sd card how will the tablet be able to find pictures on this micro sd card? Is there some way to tell the tablet to look at both the internal storage folder pictures AND the micro SD card? Again wish I had a manual. I ask because I want to ad some large HD movies but internal memory having only about 4 gig available out of the 8gb it came with doesn't give me enough room. I want to ad a 32 gig card for movie storage. Any class 10 I would assume would work fine?

Ok another question. I have heard so much about the game Angry Birds I wanted to try it. Does this game come in a freeware version or is this only a game you can get if you buy it. I just wanted to try it to see what all the hubbub was about.

Third question, charging. Right now I have charged this for about 9 hours yet the battery thin that shows a picture of a battery still doesn't show it full but about half full. According to the Frequently asked questions on LePans website it should show a picture were the battery is ALL green. Is this normal?

I would download an app like ES Explorer. With it you can create and name folders on your SD card. Then you can copy files to these folders and then open these files using whatever program you want. This program will also let you view folders in the internal memory. Pretty much any SD card made in the last few years will work. Angry Birds comes in a free advertiser based form. Since I own a different Le Pan tablet, I can't tell you how long it should take for a full charge. However, I have one device which takes 15 hours to charge fully.