Le Pan TC970 Vs Filemate Identity???


Dec 20, 2011
This is my first post but very important I want to buy my first tablet. I am going to florida on vacation in 5 days and am planing on buying my tablet in the usa because Canada does not have much choices. My price limit with tax is $240 not allot but times are tough. I checked around walmart and Bestbuy and got to finals the Le Pan TC970 and Filemate Identity Le pan is 9.7 inch and Filemate is 7 inch. I would mostly use a tablet for Internet browsing, Apps, Videos and music. The Le pan does not support as many file formats as Filemate but it has a larger screen which I really prefer. The both have got great reviews and are pretty fast for there class. The Le pan is said to have better build quality and battery life when the Filemate is siad to have really fast and long distance wifi module. I dont know much more so I need some more experianced people to give me there imput.

Here is a link for both:

Le Pan TC970 :Walmart.com: Lepan TC970 with Wi-Fi 9.7" Touchscreen Tablet PC Featuring Android 2.2 (Froyo) Operating System: Computers

Filemate Identity :Filemate Tablet PC, Identity 7" - Walmart.com

I haven't heard much about the Filemate but people around here seem to love the TC970. You might get a better response to this question in the Le Pan section. I'll see about moving this over there.

Sure thanks, I am most likely going to get the TC970 but still would like to know other opinions on the filemate.
The LePan also has pretty good wifi range. With Mobo Player, or VLC Player, or any file converter (you don't need to do that but you could) the file type isn't really an issue.

I don't know much about that Filemate, but it's reviews are good on Newegg - fewer of them, but I trust the folks over there a lot more than Wally's reviewers. I think it's probably an ok machine, likely even better than ok. Wintec uses a Texas Instruments CPU if I'm not mistaken. Someone here can correct me if I'm wrong.

But, I can say for sure the LePan is a damn nice tablet for it's price range...and holds it's own against the next price range up.
Honestly, I'd be very surprised if the Filemate can beat it in performance, build quality, and overall user experience.

Also, just remember to consider your sources. :) I remember seeing a story where someone asked, on two message boards, whether Gandalf or a Jedi would win in a fight. They asked in a Star Wars room and a LotR room. :)

Am I saying the LePan is definitely better because I'm a huge fan of LePan and here in a LePan forum that's who you're most likely to find? I don't know - I don't think so, I try to be objective, but the moral of the story is...I forget, but you should buy a LePan. It's a kickass tablet.
So its settled, I am going to get the Le Pan and the filemate is sold out in walmart anyway. I am going to Orlando and there is a walmart not far from there that has the Le Pan in limited stock so im crossing my fingers that when I get there they will still have. Anyone know of another store that sells it?
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Most people Ive talked to ordered theirs online. Finding physical stores with this thing in stock might prove to be a challenging quest.
GL and gratz on the new toy.
your very right but I'm only down in florida for 2 weeks half the time all be in Orlando other half in Fort Lauderdale so not sure how im going to order online?

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It's a fine choice, I am VERY impressed with the Le Pan. My wife loves it! It feels like a much higher quality device than the price would let on.
I've had the Filemate Identity and tried it for 2 weeks, after trying 2 other brands of 7" tablets, and returning all of them. No problems whatsoever with the Identity and I would highly recommend it if the smaller size was a major factor for you. I'd originally bought it for the smaller size but after some time with it, I realized that since I had to carry a tablet anyway(didn't fit my pockets), that I'd prefer the larger screen, larger keypad, etc., and decided to try the Lepan. Except for a few unexplained freezes, which may be caused by my "hurrying" it to the next page or function, I'm completely sold on it. Beautiful screen image and very quick with standard Android 2.2. At this point, after a week, I've found nothing I do or want to do that requires anything more than the Lepan offers. Good luck and I hope you're able to find one.