Leader International Impression 10


Aug 9, 2011
I have an Impression 10 with droid 2.2 (Froyo). It came without the Market app. Being very new to Android, it took me a while to realize not having Market App is an annoying handicap in that I must use a PC to download and install additional programs. A very simple fix would be if I can install market app on my Impression 10? Does anyone know? Are there any unique procedures to follow? I really like this device for its many features, and I feel strongly that its value / cost ratio is strongly in my favor. But finding information has been limited to the company site and blogged "reviews" - mostly from bloggers with poorly hidden agendas. None of these are as useful as user forums in detailing positives & negatives with work-arounds. I hope to hear from more users?
A friend bought one of these from HSC recently and I am trying to find out more about this tablet. Reviews, views and user thought from here would be really great. Hopefully she did not get a lemon.
I've tried to side load market app without success. I really wanted to load the Netflix app. I tried side loading several versions of the Netflix apk also-no go. Another disappointment with this device is the camera is not a webcam. FRING works without video. I have a Google voice acct and phone number and the Voip gv app works, turning the tablet into a phone. However, I don't see a way to add contacts. I have to type in phone number to make calls.
I do like the screen and it seems pretty responsive.
Did anyone with an Impression 10 with Froyo update there tablet to Gingerbread with the system.img firmware update on LeaderInternationalInc.com website.http://www.leaderinternationalinc.com/impression/downloads.php And does anyone know what type of image the system.img update is, the file system or anything. I would like to open this image and repack it if necessary in preparation for rom making. My tablet ver. is Impression 10 i10-50 Gingerbread 2.3.1.

Link to site...
:: Welcome to Impression ::
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I have an Impression 10 with droid 2.2 (Froyo). It came without the Market app. Being very new to Android, it took me a while to realize not having Market App is an annoying handicap in that I must use a PC to download and install additional programs. A very simple fix would be if I can install market app on my Impression 10? Does anyone know? Are there any unique procedures to follow? I really like this device for its many features, and I feel strongly that its value / cost ratio is strongly in my favor. But finding information has been limited to the company site and blogged "reviews" - mostly from bloggers with poorly hidden agendas. None of these are as useful as user forums in detailing positives & negatives with work-arounds. I hope to hear from more users?

According to Leader Tech support the download is android 2.3.1.....
I too purchased a 10-50 model from HSN mine had problems from the get go and since HSN ran out had to send it back to Leader at my expense... Leader sent a new replacement back to me which has worked ok though I do seem to have the WiFi dropout mentioned in a review I read. I have ROOTED and LOADED GOOGLE MARKET via data from XDA developers blog... THANKS GUYS!! Took all night to figure out &^%$WTF *&^ How exactly it worked and could not use exactly as described because there was some change made in the developer package I loaded on my laptop computer... Found that just loading the Google market apps in per Moto Mouths (THANK YOU!!!!!) directions works great just remember they will show up on your APP screens as apps but running them as an app gets you nothing and then deleting them as a nonfunctional app gets you problems running the Market so be aware of what they are...
has anyone used a 32 gb micro sd card on this tablet yet? I bought a PNY 32gb class 10 card and the tablet says card damaged, even though it works in windows and linux. I've formatted the thing a million times all different ways and still no go...
I have an Impression I10-50 Android Tablet and it was run over by a car and the glass is broken. I cannot find anyone that will work on it nor can I find a replacement glass. PLEASE HELP! I don't know what to do. I have tried to find someone and can't. I might could figure out how to fix it if I could find the part. HELP!
YES the answer as you found out that despite HSC and Leaders claims and Leaders online I10-50 manual download claiming 32Gig it DOES NOT work beyond 16Gig A "Revised though not admitted to change in the spec listing under I10-50 is 16 gig... Some scum sucking Leader Int. Inc. Engineering Schmo did NOT do their job and actually functionally test the I10-50 for complete functionality. So we the customers get Screwed yet again by an uncaring company.
someone please help just bought an impressioin for my daughter for xmas and can not download from android market. i am not tech savey at all and dont understand what i need to do. when i bought it they said that it worked with android market.
someone please help just bought an impressioin for my daughter for xmas and can not download from android market. i am not tech savey at all and dont understand what i need to do. when i bought it they said that it worked with android market.
Sorry to say they LIED to you... But yes it CAN be MADE to access the android market. That being said you need a geek to handle the software load if you are "not tech savey" the site XDA developers has a discussion thread on the I10-50 and under the moniker Moto mouth ([Q] Help with this new tablet, any hacks, roms, ? Impression 10 from leaders - xda-developers) explains how to make it work... you do not have to root the I10-50 to load the necessary software programs to run the android market but some of the APPs available require a rooted unit to function properly but they are not that many and a root will void any supposed warranty that Depression International's Inc's third party service is (un)likely to supply... Otherwise TAKE IT BACK to where you bought it and DEMAND a REFUND because they prevaricated (see LIED) to you...
has anyone used a 32 gb micro sd card on this tablet yet? I bought a PNY 32gb class 10 card and the tablet says card damaged, even though it works in windows and linux. I've formatted the thing a million times all different ways and still no go...

Hi ixnay099,

I did a search on the Impression website and under specs it talks about it being able to take up to 16GB. So it's probably not able to handle 32GB. I don't know if you're still around to see this, but i thought i would reply to this question since I saw the answer just this morning. :)
I also ordered the impression tablet and @ 1st was very frustrated. It wouldnt play my video and no Android Market...I went to Youtube and found out about "Blackmart Alpha" where I DL z4Root and I'm learning more everyday. I thinks its a pretty good tablet once you get the hang of it. But please by all means can someone point me in the right direction Im trying to DL books for my daughters to read on there tablet there ages are 6 and 8. I found some Dr Sesus but I kept getting a force close error message. I'm not at all tablet savy. So please help meeeee. Gracias