Lenovo App Shop new version will not install


Aug 11, 2012
Hi. I had received a new Lenovo Ideapad A1 a month ago. Whenever I would click on Lenovo App Shop it would tell me there is a new version. I would proceed to download it. It would then ask me to install it and I would click OK. Then I get the error "Application not installed". Very annoying as eveytime I open the app shop I would go thru the process and it always fails. I contacted mobihand and they asked me to download it directly by going to mobihand.com/a1. Same error. After several attempts with Lenovo support who had me try several things including factory reset. They took my unit back and sent me a new one. Well I got the new one and same problem. Contacted support and they have no clue and asked that I contact post sales support. Unless I can figure this out, this one is going back too.

I tried changing my wirelesss router setting and made the connection open with no WEP or WPA, that did not matter. And it should not cause it downloads fine. It's the install that fails.

pls help.
Mine did the same thing for quite a while. I even tried installing one of the versions (both showed under the apps listing). It eventually went away, and I'm not even sure exactly what solved the problem.