Lenovo readies new 7" Android tablet for $200

Looks awesome. I hope it really stays at that price point and works at least as well as the Nook in day to day use.
It does sound great but why trash my nook? Sim card for the Lenovo, anybody knows?
It does sound great but why trash my nook? Sim card for the Lenovo, anybody knows?

No, from what I have read it is wifi only though it does also include a GPS chip. This looks like a great device but until it is out here are some advatanges to the Nook.

Enthusiastic user and development community.

Completely accessable Android modification (no corporate lock outs).


Used units avaialble for under $200.

There are probably more but those are off the top of my head. I am hoping the Lenovo is as good in real life as on paper but often it turns out not to be the case. At least we know we have something good in the Nook in the mean time and can only hope others will join it.
it does have a defect though, the nook,,,,,it's stealable! it is so small and handsome that somebody might want to steal it from you and it did happen to me and I'm still miserable because my new nook hasn't arrived yet!
So, I'm guessing the "New Nook" party has been postponed.:(
Hmmm, but it sounds like the Lenova is just vapor at this point. After the demise of Borders, I do like to support Barnes and Noble to try to keep at least one other big bookstore in business, which factored into my choice to go Nook Color.