Let's Settle the Google Play Compatible Issue

You need to actually read the directions in the thread, instead of skimming them and attempting to Install stuff cold turkey. Data directory in the root utility on your PC is where the recovery image goes. Otherwise it's not sent to the tablet.
You need to actually read the directions in the thread, instead of skimming them and attempting to Install stuff cold turkey. Data directory in the root utility on your PC is where the recovery image goes. Otherwise it's not sent to the tablet.

Apologies. Actually, I did read the thread. I suppose It's my lack of technical know-how and understanding of jargon that put me in this rut. Please bear with me a bit more (hopefully till i get the tab working rather than bricking it.)

Thanks for your patience.


CWM now installed. thanks for the assist. I didn't quite understand what "data sub directory in the utility" meant earlier. Sorry, stupid me. attempting to restore dump now. Thanks!
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In order to maximize Play Store compatibility:

  • Use a build.prop with a Samsung fingerprint.
  • Copy the missing XML files over to \system\etc\permissions.
Stock ROM only:

  • Decompile, edit, recompile, and copy a new framework-res.apk to the tablet.

Hey Traveller, now that I got myself out of my previous mess, I was hoping to try out the changes you and ziggyzag did on your Cobys. One thing bothers me though: reading through threads, it seems like the default ROM has no access to Google Play or Google Apps. My Coby 7042 however had Google Play and the Gmail app installed in it fresh out of the box. How do I know if i'm still dealing with stock ROM here or not? Can that be found out through the dump? Can I send the dump to you (or anyone, steev maybe?) for assistance?
Proof positive that you're dealing with a stock ROM would be if there are .ODEX files in /system. But most likely your device was a refurb that no one spoke of, because Google Play is not on these tablets.
hi traveller, sorry for the late reply. work got real heavy the past few weeks. anyways, i checked and i didnt find any .odex files. so i guess thats that. on a diff note, i know that the 7042 has 4GB of HD space but mine seems to show 2 partitions both approx just 1.2 GB each. is that right? moreover the sd seems to be full at just 130mb. any ideas
The numbers you're seeing for the partitions are correct. See this thread for details on that. No ideas on the 130MB though.