Lets talk about Ubuntu on Viewsonic 10:) How To's, Tips, Issues, Solutions

yup... Do you have audio in meego?
No, it doesn't seem that I do.

It most likely can be added, by installing an updated version of alsa (meaning: compiling). But you already are compiling the touchscreen drivers too. That is OK, if you can get an on-screen keyboard to work. I actually liked the MeeGo-Netbook for this tablet, but I couldn't get the keyboard to work.
If you look at the output of lspci, that you ran before, it gives the audio device:
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)
I was checking for alsa on MeeGo, and it seems to be an abbreviated version. If you look in the folder /usr/share/alsa/cards/ there is a file named HDA-Intel.conf. The first line of that file is this:
# Configuration for the Intel HD audio (ICH6/ICH7)
So, it seems that is should work.
If you look at the output of lspci, that you ran before, it gives the audio device:
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)
I was checking for alsa on MeeGo, and it seems to be an abbreviated version. If you look in the folder /usr/share/alsa/cards/ there is a file named HDA-Intel.conf. The first line of that file is this:
# Configuration for the Intel HD audio (ICH6/ICH7)
So, it seems that is should work.

So how do I update alsa?

And I can't make the touchscreen work... Mine also uses ILITEK
Hey, audio now works... by updating with the pinetrail kernel....

Now the my only issue now is to get the touchscreen working :)
yup...... But the link to the patch is not available anymore.... my browser says forbidden anything after ttp://lii-enac.fr/en/architecture/linux-input/files
It seems that patch command is not working.....

"bash: patch: command not found"
It should have been installed when you installed all of the dependencies:

sudo zypper install make ncurses-devel ncurses gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel binutils cpp patch

The other thing is since the patch name has changed, then so will the command to patch. Use the name of the patch that you downloaded.
[FONT=Verdana]patch p1 < ~/linux-kernel/2.6.39-devel_2012_01_06_16_51.patch[/FONT]

Also, the instructions have you downloading the patch into the ~/linux-kernel/linux2.6.39/ folder that you created in your home directory. Make sure your terminal is "in" that folder by changing directories:
cd ~/linux-kernel/2.6.39/
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Hi Guys, I'm also interested with Linux on vpad10, i have tried Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, you can see that the Ubuntu can respond by rotating the vpad10, it will show others workspace, maybe it's possible to link the rotate screen scripts somehow....
I have tried the multitouch zooming in photos and it's working but with 11.10 by following the below thread:
[SOLVED] Viewpad 10 on Ubunutu 10.10 (Maverick) touchscreen, gestures and rotation - Ubuntu Forumsorry for wrong spelling or mistyping

Hi Guys, I'm also interested with Linux on vpad10, i have tried Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, you can see that the Ubuntu can respond by rotating the vpad10, it will show others workspace, maybe it's possible to link the rotate screen scripts somehow....
I have tried the multitouch zooming in photos and it's working but with 11.10 by following the below thread:
[SOLVED] Viewpad 10 on Ubunutu 10.10 (Maverick) touchscreen, gestures and rotation - Ubuntu Forumsorry for wrong spelling or mistyping thanks
Thanks, but that link is to an old thread, and most of that isn't very useful anymore. I don't find ginn and uTouch in the repositories anymore, as I believe they are no longer needed.

Do you have any info on the accelerometer in these tablets? That is what registers the position of the tablet, but I cannot find it listed in the output of lshw
Waterhead, read back that you are using Openseus, I want to try that, can you open a new thread on instructions How to, from creating the preferrable partition size to customizing the distro to suit our touchscreen interface... I think many will be interested :)