License and Registration Problems

I have as yet not heard anything. Due to this months Chinese national holiday this is not surprising. I will keep after them and report as soon as I know more.
I normally don't like update my system as long as I can do my job. But on my SuperPAD Google voice search and Skype weren't working. I found on net that a system update helps. I updated my system and they are now working. But now my pad is no longer registered. No more update possible :-(

I can't find a registration code anywhere in the box. My ebay seller remains silent. I can't do more than just giving him a negative feedback. Hope someone here can help with the code.

P.S. My battery is also dying, not even 3 months yet :-(
I am now of the conclusion, after several attempts to get more flytouch (SuperPAD) information, that further persuit of a replacement FLY2.1 registration is a fools erand.

ICAN say without contradiction that there are sellers out there that can provide you with replacement registrations. You see, the registration numbers can be provided to the tablet sellers in bulk so that they can be issued on a per unit sold basis. This means that no registration number is tied to any specific tablet until it is installed on a specific tablet. It , the registration number, is most probably linked to the MAC ID of the tablet (my speculation). It is likely that any particular registration number can only be registered once.

My advise for future tablet purchases, make sure the seller can provide a replacement registration number before you lay down your dough, moolah, rhino, spondulicks, bucks, cash, jack, greenbacks, maggies, loonies, stash, dollars, or other money.
this is the general thing in the preliminary stage.You can use the tablet pc without the license number.
you can ask for the license number from your seller.
the license number sent with your tablet pc to you.Would you check your package?
the battery^do you charge enough for the tablet pc?or it maybe something wrong with your charger.
if no,the battery is broken,you can requir the seller for the replacement.
I recenly purchased an ICAN from Amazon. It will turn on and but need the license number to register the product....

Please direct me.

Please i wish to ask if anyone knows how i can get a new registration code for my wowpad because i reset the wintouch(wowpad) to factory-reset. or better still,if anyone can give me the contact addres of the company.
Thanks Kami
Please i do wish u give me the company's contact address because i do have my wowpad(wintouch) and i reset to factory,now i don't have the registration code to update the firmware.
Thanks and best regards,
I need help with my Superpad. It wants me to enter my license number. I don't have a license number. I am seriously annoyed. I was told to refer to my owners manual. It was not listed in the owners manual. I almost have that stupid manual memorized I have read it so much.

My Model number is: deb
firmware version: 2.1-update1
Kernel version:
Build number: deb-r2.1.1001

please help me with this problem. Thank you.
I need help with my Superpad. It wants me to enter my license number. I don't have a license number. I am seriously annoyed. I was told to refer to my owners manual. It was not listed in the owners manual. I almost have that stupid manual memorized I have read it so much.

My Model number is: dory
firmware version: 2.1-update1
Kernel version:
Build number: deb-r2.1.808

please help me with this problem. Thank you.

I got new flying touch EPad Tablet 3G GPS and it keeps popping up with the warning

[h=2]License and Registration Problems[/h]
Any help would be much appreciated !
:)Hi Dariukstis .Help please. I have got a similar model to yours that is: Chum model... it has stuck in the same problem that you seem to have got with yours, I wonder if you could please email these rom files to me from supplier as I got mine from EBAY and private seller who does not know anything about the tablet . Anyway if you can it would help get my tablet going again hopefully but if you may not have them now maybe I could contact supplier for a copy directly to me. Thanks and best regards. Paul