Linux Users, Coby 1042, Root, Recovery, Update, All Without Livesuite,

Those logs look nasty, have you ever had wifi? What rom are you now using?
Had WiFi out of the box as good as any of the other devices here

Now AlienDroid v2

Tried all 3 of the Mike Hard roms - 1st and 3rd worked but no WiFi - 1st would not root using this forums method - 3rd did and Rooted, CMD, Google Store no problem but not WiFi

Tried the dump from this forum - No WiFi and had GetJar instead of SlideMe so was for earlier revision of 1042

CWD'd AlienDroid V2 - runs a LOT better in almost everything else but no WiFi
Ok, I am not home using cell phone to post, so you need a dump that includes slideme, we need to look through the coby dumps uploaded lately, doesn't have to be 1042, can be any allwinner coby dump.
Yeah, that should do it unless there is more than one variant w/ SlideMe - Good to know on allwinner dumps - Thanks in advance!

Be back here in AM

Do you want log from startup to up and running?

Again thanks for the rom in advance

Take your time - mostly things work out better that way

BTW - Sunn Spark back online - HD had to be taken out to get rid of the sticktion but all well after it was back in
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Ok, I am not home using cell phone to post, so you need a dump that includes slideme, we need to look through the coby dumps uploaded lately, doesn't have to be 1042, can be any allwinner coby dump.

I'm having this issue on a 1042 I'm working on for a friend. I can repeat this no wifi error on installing the Fortunately I made a backup, so I can compare and contrast. I'll probably only have it for another days or so, but I'' be glad to provide a log or two before then.
I'm having this issue on a 1042 I'm working on for a friend. I can repeat this no wifi error on installing the Fortunately I made a backup, so I can compare and contrast. I'll probably only have it for another days or so, but I'' be glad to provide a log or two before then.
This tablet came with slideme?
So all I have to do is flash the file at the bottom of your first post in stock recovery and it will flash cwm?
Cool, I've just rooted my olde MID9740 using the "" tools.

Because my MSW machine instantly deletes a naked "mempodroid" file and because I wasn't sure if the recovery stuff was compatible between a 1042 and a 9740, I did as follows :

a. Downloaded the "" file on the tablet ("/sdcard/download/" directory).
b. Using ES File Explorer, extracted the ZIP to subdirectory "1042_root_recovery".
c. When Avast complained about the "mempodroid" file, selected to allow it for 15 minutes.
d. Using ES File Explorer, deleted all extracted files with "recovery" in their name (instead of editing "").
e. Connected the tablet to the PC via USB.
f. Opened a command prompt at the "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\" directory.
g. adb shell
h. cd /sdcard/download/1042_root_recovery/data
i. busybox cp * /data/local/tmp/
j. cd /data/local/tmp/
k. chmod 0777 ./mempodroid
l. chmod'ed a few more of the files, although it possibly/probably wasn't necessary.
m. ./mempodroid 0xd7cc 0xad27 sh ./
n. Ignored the expected errors about the previously deleted "recovery" files.
o. su

At this point, the prompt changed from "$" to "#", indicating I had superuser access. Then I typed "exit" about three times to close everything down.

Note that you need to install the Android USB drivers and the ADB tool on the PC beforehand. Depending what you use for this, the appropriate directory for step 'f' may be different.
