Looking for volume control widget


Aug 20, 2011
Hi all,

I'm currently using PowerAmp to play my music at work, but unfortunately the widget doesn't currently have a volume control, and I find the hardware rocker just a little awkward to access when I need to adjust the volume.

I'm sure there must be a widget that has a slider (maybe with a mute button) that will do the trick, or perhaps there's a way of convincing my Iconia Tab that an up or down swipe on the screen should adjust the volume?

I had a look on the market, but most of the screen shots appear to take up most of the screen with a multitude of volume options. I really just want something to control the master volume on a tablet.

I've found one app that I'm currently using, but it isn't really what I want. It does have a simple widget that I can tap to adjust sound, but it seems very stepped, and I also have to guess where to tap to get the volume I want.

So... any suggestions? :)

Thanks for the rec. It certainly has fine control and a slider, but I still need to hit the volume buttons first, and then adjust the volume before it disappears. I couldn't see an option to add it as a widget, but I've let a post to Richard asking if that option could be added.

Well, that was quick. Richard says a widget is on its way.