Looking to buy a tablet to install linux and run natively


Apr 18, 2013
My wife is going to buy me a new tablet to repay me for getting her a new laptop a while back. I want something thats going to allow me to flash linux and run natively not run over android in chroot. I would like some suggestions as to a tablet known to work well running debian, fedora or ubuntu.. The budget is around 250 dollars. I want a quad core and at least 1 gig of ram (more if possible though I know it may be out of my price range). I would like for it to be at least a 10 inch screen. I love my onda v812 but its just to limited for what I want it to do its to locked up. The tablet has to be able to be unlocked(fastboot oem unlock with adb) and go into fastboot mode. I have been using linux for 14 years and I want a table that can have a linux system flashed to it. I dont have a lot of experience with tablets this is only my second tablet thats why I am asking for help in picking my next tablet.
Where to purchase a android tablets.

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