major ebay issue


Jan 19, 2011
So I have a cruz tablet and ive had it for a couple of weeks now. I have been using ebay (buying browsing etc) and in the last day whenever I attempt to input text to browse the keyboard pops up then before I can type anything the keyboard goes away. If I go to landscape mode I can execute a search but when I then try to scroll through the list it self scrolls back to the top. Very frustrating.

Ive tried to reset the browser etc, and I dont think the browser can be reinstalled. Im not sure. Everything is fine with other sites. Help would be appriciated.
Yes I have skyfire but for ebay its awful and shuts down all the time ive also tried opera mini....any other browsers out there anyone can think of?
My keyboard does this too, but not on ebay. Well, I havent tried ebay on it. For mine, when I load my browser, skyfire, and try to search in the google box, the keyboard appears and closes after only one letter. It doesnt do this all the time, but when it does, the only fix is to reset it. I'be also noticed it happens most often if Im browsing and the try to return to the skyfirw homepage or open a new tab.
You can usually clear data on any app by going to settings, applications, manage applications. Then hit menu and filter for all applications. You should be able to find an entry for the Browser, and be able to clear any associated data.