Making your Nook Display 90% Fingerprint Free


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
Making your Display Fingerprint-Free and Smudge-Proof for Nook.

This was originally from me for the ViewSonic G-Tab, but I have done this on both of my Nooks with the same excellent results. While I have not gotten the same kind of vendor endorsement as I got from the VS rep, I don't see why there would be an issue for Nooks, they also use an excellent quality glass screen.

So if you are like me, of the most annoying things about the tablets has nothing to do with its functionality, but has everything to do with its display, specifically the darn fingerprints and smudges! There is now a fix for this, tested by many people including myself, and works an absolute treat at curing at least 90% of the issue.

Not only does it prevent almost all fingerprints and smudges but it also gives your display a super silky sexy feel to it.

How to do it? Rain-X! Follow these directions to a super smooth, clean screen that will last at least a month between applications.

1. Clean your screen using a GOOD microfiber cloth and a little bit of water.
2. Repeat step one at least once! You really really want to have your screen as clean and "out-of-the-box" perfect as you possibly can get it. Check it at multiple angles and light to make sure you have no haze, no smudges, no spots.
3. Apply Rain-X to wet the corner of a clean cotton rag
4. Using a gentle swirling motion, apply the rain-x to the screen. It will bead up at first, but continue to swirl it on for about 20-30 seconds until it starts drying to a uniform hazy coating
5. Wet your microfiber cloth again, getting it damp but not dripping and buff off most of the hazy coat
6. When you have most of the haze removed, switch to the dry end of the microfiber and buff off the rest.
7. Go back to the bright lights and multiple viewing angles to check for missed areas.

Good luck and share your results!
I'm gonna thank you ahead of time. This sounds awesome. Any idea if the Rain-X wipes work or do you think it might be too much?
I looked at that too, but came away thinking it was overkill. It only takes a couple of drops per device, and those wipes seemed way too wet. I bought the $8 bottle, and between tablets and phones (I have 6 kids between 9 and 19) I think I have a 10-year supply.

The key to it really is to only get it wet enough to get a uniform haze on the display before you wipe that clean (step 4). I have also found that each application on my daily use devices is good for about once per month for tablets, and once every two weeks for my phones. I think phones need it more since they are in pockets and purses, etc.
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Thanks for the tip.

But I have applied that official anti-glare screen on it. Works for me, simple :)

I went out and got TWO things in the cleaning department. I picked up a pack of 40 pre-moistened Lens Wipes from Walgreen's for about $5 (Local drug store). I also picked up a bottle of Rain-X Original and Pledge Soft Microfiber Dust Cloth from Wal-Mart for $5 total.

First - I let one my kids play angry birds last night, and i should have known with it being Valentines day and all that her fingers would be "candy-sticky" but I didn't... so I am starting this experiment with a nice smudgy, printed, and STICKY glass. :)

The Lens Wipes - cleaned the mess up nearly instantly and dried quick with no streaks, smudges, etc. I just ripped open a packet, pulled the wipe out and used circular motions to clean the screen. Perfect.

Next I wanted to do the Rain-X as suggested above in order to create the "barrier" to fingerprints and such. I followed the directions pbauer wrote up and the screen looks awesome. There is a definite (to me) difference in the feel of the glass now to my touch. However, I have those simple styli from Amazon and they still won't glide on the glass for me.

I am very happy with these solutions, one for deep cleaning and one for maintenance. I'll report back when I have to "clean" the glass again and see how long this Rain-X lasts for me.

I went out and got TWO things in the cleaning department. I picked up a pack of 40 pre-moistened Lens Wipes from Walgreen's for about $5 (Local drug store). I also picked up a bottle of Rain-X Original and Pledge Soft Microfiber Dust Cloth from Wal-Mart for $5 total.

First - I let one my kids play angry birds last night, and i should have known with it being Valentines day and all that her fingers would be "candy-sticky" but I didn't... so I am starting this experiment with a nice smudgy, printed, and STICKY glass. :)

The Lens Wipes - cleaned the mess up nearly instantly and dried quick with no streaks, smudges, etc. I just ripped open a packet, pulled the wipe out and used circular motions to clean the screen. Perfect.

Next I wanted to do the Rain-X as suggested above in order to create the "barrier" to fingerprints and such. I followed the directions pbauer wrote up and the screen looks awesome. There is a definite (to me) difference in the feel of the glass now to my touch. However, I have those simple styli from Amazon and they still won't glide on the glass for me.

I am very happy with these solutions, one for deep cleaning and one for maintenance. I'll report back when I have to "clean" the glass again and see how long this Rain-X lasts for me.

So almost there! The only thing I would say here is that I also saw the same issue, and for the sake of sanity at the time pulled out the one stylus I had NOT used yet so it too was very clean and oil free. That was the one that worked best, I used a very gentle cleaning on the other styluses and that was when I found a solution that worked for me. Of course, as with anything YMMV, and it is still also not as good as a finger on the glass. Truth be told, I am also a lot faster to use the finger now that the screen stays cleaner!

One other note, have you noticed how much easier it is to clean what smudges you do get?
I have used Rain-x for years on all types of products. It works best if you apply it several times. I put the first coat on yesterday evening. I will coat it again this evening. After a few days it should be good with a once a month treatment.
Under the Health Hazard Data section of the report, "Prolonged skin contact may cause drying." That is in reference to RainX in the liquid form, I of course would tell anyone a) follow all proper instructions in applying RainX and in handling and storing it


b) Follow these guidelines at your own personal discretion.
Under the Health Hazard Data section of the report, "Prolonged skin contact may cause drying." That is in reference to RainX in the liquid form, I of course would tell anyone a) follow all proper instructions in applying RainX and in handling and storing it


b) Follow these guidelines at your own personal discretion.

I realize that's the liquid form, but when the coating wears off and has to be reapplied, it wore off due to contact with a person's finger. Rain-X is an alcohol based liquid that leaves behind deposits of a silicone-like material on the glass. Is that material safe? The MSDS glosses over it as a trade secret. To me, that's not something I risk letting my 5 year old play with. It's probably perfectly safe, by I err on the side of caution when it comes to my girl's health.