Manual or help file for Polaris Office?


Jun 3, 2011
Apologies if I'm missing something obvious in interface or not googling the correct terms but does anyone know where usage information is for Polaris Office? I cannot imagine that any could really use it beyond the very basics without some sort of manual / detailed help. Thanks for any pointers.
Just got mine and I am looking to use the word processor. As yet no manual that I have found. Would also like to know.
The interface seems pretty self-explanitory (at least, for the most part) - what are you aiming to do?

You could probably find out how most things work simply by fooling around with it. However, I can definitely understand how you would want a manual - I still can't figure out how to delete a passage of text by selecting it, for example. I have to use "cut", and then never paste it ;)
Polaris Office has no help files, and out of all the office suites available, it's the weakest. The other popular suites available are Office Suite Pro and Documents To Go. I have all 3 products and I like Office Suite Pro best. It is the only one out of the 3 that has a user manual. It provides more controls and options and is worth the investment. One thing I found all 3 missing is a spellcheck, but Office Suite does have several dictionaries available.

I also use SwiftKey Tablet X. I have found that its predictive text works very well and is much better than the standard keyboard.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
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I also use SwiftKey Tablet X. I have found that its predictive text works very well and is much better than the standard keyboard.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
What about Swype? I find that it is a great keyboard, and it's free. It invented the concept of 'swyping' from letter to letter, as in SwiftKey (correct me if I'm wrong). You get it from their website.
I have Swipe also but I like swiftkey better. My tablet is almost always docked to the keyboard and the keyboard is much faster than swiping. When not docked, the split keyboard took some getting used to, but typing with your thumb is someyhing you get used to from texting on a phone. Once I got he hang of it, my thumbs fly faster than my finger can swipe. Of course, it's a personal choice...

P. S. I just got a note from mobisystems, the maker of Office Suite Pro, who said they are adding a spell checker to their next update. I've asked the other folks the same question; no answer yet...

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I have Swipe also but I like swiftkey better. My tablet is almost always docked to the keyboard and the keyboard is much faster than swiping. When not docked, the split keyboard took some getting used to, but typing with your thumb is something you get used to from texting on a phone. Once I got the hang of it, my thumbs fly faster than my finger can swipe. I also found swiftkey's predictions of what I want to type is very good. Of course, it's a personal choice...

P. S. I just got a note from mobisystems, the maker of Office Suite Pro, who said they are adding a spell checker to their next update. I've asked the other folks the same question; no answer yet...

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
My preference for keyboards is the Keyboard Dock or Thumb Keyboard. I have tried Swype and Swiftkey and still like the customizability of Thumb Keyboard. The big deal for me is the macro keys so I can enter my email address in one touch. Also, you can add a DELETE key to the keyboard, and it has arrow keys on the virtual layout. But, to each their own.
BTW Frederuco, since you mentioned a delete key I thought I should mention the fact that the Transformer's Keyboard dock has a delete function. Shift+Backspace; works in almost all situations.
BTW Frederuco, since you mentioned a delete key I thought I should mention the fact that the Transformer's Keyboard dock has a delete function. Shift+Backspace; works in almost all situations.

Yes, good point. Forgot to mention that. Also, you can do ALT+TAB to switch between the latest 8 apps.

If you want to know more keyboard shortcuts (including some app specific ones) check out this thread over at our sister forum dedicated to the Asus Transformer (TF101, TF201) and also Asus Slider (SL101):
Spell check would be great! Do you know if any of the word docs in polaris or office suit pro let you make headers? I was told that polaris word does, but can`t find it anywhere.Got the transformer for school, not working out a swell as i hoped it would.
None of them has a specific header that I can see, but they all allow you to format the paragraph in various different ways.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum