Many problems with my PanDigital Novel Black


Dec 25, 2011
Perhaps you guys can help me. I have the model listed in the OP (the biglots pandigital black novel).. my husband purchased it for me mainly as a "business card" for my photography/art business (so I can show my work)... anyway... I also have an 8gb SD card in place and it says it is properly seated. Lastly, I am NOT a tech-less person. I have been working on or with computers since my first Tandy xIIe. We are a very technology driven house and...

I AM LOST.... :)

I have google searched these forums and others and here are my problems I am having:

1. the pandigital website does not load from any other website, not even by directly typing it in; this is so I can update the firm ware. But can't do that if I can't get it to load. I can't even get it to load on the Novel.

2. I just now got amazon marketplace for android installed on it and managed to download angry birds free. When I went to download another game, I got the "free up space" error. I should note that nothing is running in the apps page except the keyboard and when I go to "Manage Apps" like it asks me to, there is nothing for me to manage--eg: everything it shows are all factory installed apps, so there is nothing for me to uninstall or otherwise do this "managing" it is asking me to do. (in the applications setting for running services, at the bottom it says "avail: 61mb+81mb in 12 and Other: 27mb in 3...I have no clue what this means)

2A: I downloaded and installed the Task manager/Security manager program this Novel told me I needed. I got an error every time I tried to open the es_file explorer ("you don't have the es_task manager or es_security installed")...and as a result, before I turn off the system (completely by powering off when it asks me), I make sure to go to the task manager and shut everything down. However, I just turned it on and there are all these apps running--apps I turned off by "killing" before I completely shut the system down. How can I stop them from auto-loading every single time I turn the thing on, resulting in me having to "kill" them for free space, before I do anything else? (specifically the package installer and settings come up in addition to the camera, amazon app, and nearly everything else that came pre-loaded on this thing.

3. It runs horrendously slow. And I have no idea how to access the memory card. Am I supposed to load the card into my computer, download what I want and then go to the novel? It would still give me the "no free space" error, wouldn't it? Also, the top left of my screen has a what looks like an exclamation point on paper icon. When I click on it and drag down, all it says is "SD card is mounted successfully". Likewise, thanks to this forum, I downloaded the Kindle app and it loaded perfectly, will all the books stored on the sd card as they should be.

Considering that I am not that un-tech savvy, I have tried to make sense of every instruction I have read over the last hour. I guess I really need it in plain english. How the heck do I work this thing? I've got my email working, facebook working, even the internet and wifi working. I can access the Barnes and Noble e-reader... but how do I:

1. How can I fix these things?
2.. When I download, will it allow me to save those books to SD or what?
3.. I've read the user guide, trust me--I am LOST.. help? I want to get my photography/art on this thing so I can use it the way he intended it to be used.

Please, help?

I don't think that you have the 7" black Novel. Look along the edge for a white sticker. The model # is printed there in tiny print. Is the model number #RR7T20WBL1?

Neither Kindle nor Angry Birds will work on the 7" black Novel. So if you got them to work than, you have something else. If you do have the the 7" black Novel than tell me how on earth you did it!
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I don't know what to think. The Pandigital site won't load. I did find a post that says the box says R70E200 while the tablet has RR7T20WBL1 on it, so maybe they are one and the same. I am going to try that version of Kindle.
I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems with the pandigital site. What about the other problems I you know anything about those?
Perhaps you guys can help me. I have the model listed in the OP (the biglots pandigital black novel).. my husband purchased it for me mainly as a "business card" for my photography/art business (so I can show my work)... anyway... I also have an 8gb SD card in place and it says it is properly seated. Lastly, I am NOT a tech-less person. I have been working on or with computers since my first Tandy xIIe. We are a very technology driven house and...

I AM LOST.... :)

I have google searched these forums and others and here are my problems I am having:

1. the pandigital website does not load from any other website, not even by directly typing it in; this is so I can update the firm ware. But can't do that if I can't get it to load. I can't even get it to load on the Novel.​

My understanding is that this is already as updated as it can get. There is no higher firmware for it. You are stuck with Android 1.5. You can root it so that you can use the Android Market, but that is all rooting does.

2. I just now got amazon marketplace for android installed on it and managed to download angry birds free. When I went to download another game, I got the "free up space" error. I should note that nothing is running in the apps page except the keyboard and when I go to "Manage Apps" like it asks me to, there is nothing for me to manage--eg: everything it shows are all factory installed apps, so there is nothing for me to uninstall or otherwise do this "managing" it is asking me to do. (in the applications setting for running services, at the bottom it says "avail: 61mb+81mb in 12 and Other: 27mb in 3...I have no clue what this means)

It could be that the app just won't install on your tablet and it is giving you a weird error. If you really have filled up your drive with downloads or whatever, you can look for files and delete them. You can just plug your tablet into your computer and treat it like a flash drive or you can use the "ES File Explorer" to poke around. Be really careful about deleting stuff.

2A: I downloaded and installed the Task manager/Security manager program this Novel told me I needed. I got an error every time I tried to open the es_file explorer ("you don't have the es_task manager or es_security installed")...and as a result, before I turn off the system (completely by powering off when it asks me), I make sure to go to the task manager and shut everything down. However, I just turned it on and there are all these apps running--apps I turned off by "killing" before I completely shut the system down. How can I stop them from auto-loading every single time I turn the thing on, resulting in me having to "kill" them for free space, before I do anything else? (specifically the package installer and settings come up in addition to the camera, amazon app, and nearly everything else that came pre-loaded on this thing.

So does the "ES File Explorer" function correctly? There should be an icon that looks like a folder with a globe on your desktop? I am not sure what the problem is exactly. Do you shut your tablet off by holding down the power button?

3. It runs horrendously slow. And I have no idea how to access the memory card. Am I supposed to load the card into my computer, download what I want and then go to the novel? It would still give me the "no free space" error, wouldn't it? Also, the top left of my screen has a what looks like an exclamation point on paper icon. When I click on it and drag down, all it says is "SD card is mounted successfully". Likewise, thanks to this forum, I downloaded the Kindle app and it loaded perfectly, will all the books stored on the sd card as they should be.

I do put music, pictures and video onto my removable SD card by plugging my tablet into my computer. Both the built in and removable flash drives will show up. Before I plugged in my tablet I used 'Settings' (hammer & wrench icon) to format my removable SD card. And when it was plugged in I made folders and copied various media into them. Once the tablet is unplugged and resarted I access the media from within programs. For example the 'Gallery' app will show where all the picture files are. You just open up the ones you want to view.

Considering that I am not that un-tech savvy, I have tried to make sense of every instruction I have read over the last hour. I guess I really need it in plain english. How the heck do I work this thing? I've got my email working, facebook working, even the internet and wifi working. I can access the Barnes and Noble e-reader... but how do I:

1. How can I fix these things?
2.. When I download, will it allow me to save those books to SD or what?
3.. I've read the user guide, trust me--I am LOST.. help? I want to get my photography/art on this thing so I can use it the way he intended it to be used.

Please, help?


I am using the Barnes & Noble ebook reader and so far it always downloads to the build in flash drive. If I figure out a way around this I will post it.

My understanding is that this is already as updated as it can get. There is no higher firmware for it. You are stuck with Android 1.5. You can root it so that you can use the Android Market, but that is all rooting does.

It could be that the app just won't install on your tablet and it is giving you a weird error. If you really have filled up your drive with downloads or whatever, you can look for files and delete them. You can just plug your tablet into your computer and treat it like a flash drive or you can use the "ES File Explorer" to poke around. Be really careful about deleting stuff.

Angry Birds was the only thing I had downloaded at that point (Other than the amazon app). I've now downloaded es_file manager (the task manager and security thing I said), the Kindle app that I linked to above and that is it! Everything else is on the SD card (my pictures).

So does the "ES File Explorer" function correctly? There should be an icon that looks like a folder with a globe on your desktop? I am not sure what the problem is exactly. Do you shut your tablet off by holding down the power button?

*every*thing functions correctly EXCEPT the slide me app (won't load at all). The problem I was asking about with this question was this: When I use the task manager to "kill" the apps, they suddenly reappear as though I selected them for use. I've just turned off the system (power button) and when I turn it back on, everything will be running in the background. Basically, it's like Windows, if you go to "msconfig" and adjust your start up, you can prevent erroneous items from starting up when the computer boots (real player and things like that are guilty of doing this). So what I wanted to know was is there a way to do the same on here that you can do on a PC--remove things from "start up" so that every little program on this thing isn't running when I boot it up?

I do put music, pictures and video onto my removable SD card by plugging my tablet into my computer. Both the built in and removable flash drives will show up. Before I plugged in my tablet I used 'Settings' (hammer & wrench icon) to format my removable SD card. And when it was plugged in I made folders and copied various media into them. Once the tablet is unplugged and resarted I access the media from within programs. For example the 'Gallery' app will show where all the picture files are. You just open up the ones you want to view.

I figured this part out. I did save many of my portfolio images to the SD card, with folders (no less) and can access them just fine! But I cannot seem to download any apps (like from amazon--angry birds type apps) because I still get the "not enough free space" error and I know I haven't used up all the space. That's what I'm wondering--how can I have used up all the free space if I haven't downloaded anything to the darn thing except what is on the SD card?

I am using the Barnes & Noble ebook reader and so far it always downloads to the build in flash drive. If I figure out a way around this I will post it.
Go to that link I put up--the kindle app works great!