Market missing apps after update


Jun 11, 2011
Hey some apps from the android market such as skype, zynga poker, are missing after I updated my device. When I first got the device it had the same problem but I fixed it. But the same fix isn't working can someone help.

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
Last edited:
I just reinstalled my firmware, and now its not even showing angry birds, which it did show before

Sent from my zt180 using Android Tablet Forum
try this xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM RETIRED] TNT LITE - alternate 1.1-based GTAB firmware the first part about editing build.prop should already be done but that depends on which rom or firmware you just installed so you can check if you want to be sure. The second part needs to be followed exactly and i think you will find most if not all app's in the market although you will find that some will not install on the zt-180 and some that do install will not run sorry that is just the zt-180's problem and someday we hope it will be fixed by the dev's.....Hope that helps