Memopad 7" Won't Connect to iGoogle nor Google Mail


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2013
Hi All - It's been a while since I've last posted. My wife and I have been flying all around the US this summer and my Asus memo pad 7" has been a great aviation tool. Sectional charts, Airport information, Weather, etc. However, just this last week, I have not been able to sign into my Google account on neither my memo pad 7" nor my Transformer 101. When I tap on the iGoogle or my Gmail account icon in my favorites, the screen starts to turn off and on. It is like the tablet is trying to load the page but stops and retries again and again. All of my other favorites icons for other sites work just fine. Oh - I should tell you - I am using "Browser" (the one that came on the tablet). If I use "Chrome", everything seems to work fine. Can someone please tell me what's going on and how I can fix this? Thank you! - Jim Williams
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