Messed up my new Epad need help


May 25, 2011

I just got my new Epad from ebay it worked great !

However I decided I wanted to try and get flash working on it and installed a update.
Now my screen is all messed up. I was hoping you all had a default firmware I could download or have some suggestions for me.

I am trying to locate the 1030 update but am not being very successful


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Thanks for the outstanding support :rolleyes: Guess I don't need to post that kind of question without more detail.

The vendor I bought the machine from was nice enough to send me the correct zt-update folder. I have gotten you tube going on it. He also sent me a (Flash_Player_1_1.apk). I am now running kernel version #3477.

Well anyway I think my next adventure is turning off the phone and working on making a case for it. Thinking about a custom kydex case.
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Khris: I am having an issue with my tablet and was wondering if you could send me the files that were sent to you with instructions on how you got it to work. My screen has a bunch of lines on it all of a sudden and it makes it hard to use. If you could send me the files that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.