Microsd card not showing up in Windows Explorer


Senior Member
May 15, 2011
I just got a 16GB Iconia, installed a Sandisk 16GB microsd card, but cannot copy anything to it from my PC. The Iconia shows up in Windows, but the card does not. I have installed the Acer USB drivers, but it appears the Microsoft ones are the ones in use. I am on Windows 7 64-bit. Any help would be appreciated!
It won't show up in windows. This has been a reported issue. Hopefully a fix with 3.2 eventually. To get files on the micro SD off the computer you can do it with a file explorer off the market wirelessly, but the best way is to get a reader and transfer directly.
You are correct, the microsd card does not show in windows explorer.
It is not designed to do this in this version of Android. It might come in 3.2, but
we don't know for sure yet.

If you use a file manager that you can download free from the market, such as ES File Explorer
you can move files from your Computer directly to the MicroSD card without even having
to cable up the Acer to the computer. It will use your Wifi connection and you can access
any windows (or SMB) computer on the wifi for which you have passwords.

Baring that, the only way to directly access the microSD is to remove it and put it
in a carrier and plug it into your computer. These things are dirt cheap starting
at Under a dollar.
You are correct, the microsd card does not show in windows explorer.
It is not designed to do this in this version of Android. It might come in 3.2, but
we don't know for sure yet.

If you use a file manager that you can download free from the market, such as ES File Explorer
you can move files from your Computer directly to the MicroSD card without even having
to cable up the Acer to the computer. It will use your Wifi connection and you can access
any windows (or SMB) computer on the wifi for which you have passwords.

Baring that, the only way to directly access the microSD is to remove it and put it
in a carrier and plug it into your computer. These things are dirt cheap starting
at Under a dollar.

I know this works under 3.2 because I have a Xoom, and transfer files to it this way. I also have an Elocity A7 which is on 2.2, and it works on that. I have ES File Explorer, and will have to try to figure out how to get that setup. Probably the easiest thing for me to do is put files on a USB drive, then copy them to the Iconia's SD card.
Don't forget about Drop Box, it works very well to move files from the PC to the Acer via Wi-Fi. Once downloaded to the A500, you can easily use a file management app, like ES File Explorer, to then move files to the SD card, or wherever you want them.
I know this works under 3.2 because I have a Xoom, and transfer files to it this way.

Well, yes, as I said, Android 3.2 is the first place that the Add-In SD card is exposed to the CABLE interface.

Prior to 3.2, the Xoom didn't support SDCards AT ALL.
The Acer supported them out of the box, way back on 3.0.1.

Honycomb 3.1 till does not expose the Add-In MicroSD card, only the built in card. Gingerbread is not germane here.

Once you get a File Manager, there is simply no point in transferring things via a USB drive and then to the external_sd card, unless they are huge or there are zillions of them.

Share your windows directory, and access it over wifi. Copy from windows, directly to /mnt/external_sd/
I honestly can't remember the last time I cabled my Acer to my computer. Cables are so 2007.

File managers are free in the market.

Oh, and like deedub says, Drop box works too, but you STILL need a file manager to move them to your microSD card.

To my way of thinking, sending my files half way across the country just to get them from my computer to my tablet is a case of the only tool you know how to use being a hammer causing you to look at every problem as if it were a nail. Far easier to just share you directory on your windows machine. Its like one right click away in Explorer.
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Well, yes, as I said, Android 3.2 is the first place that the Add-In SD card is exposed to the CABLE interface.

Prior to 3.2, the Xoom didn't support SDCards AT ALL.
The Acer supported them out of the box, way back on 3.0.1.

Honycomb 3.1 till does not expose the Add-In MicroSD card, only the built in card. Gingerbread is not germane here.

Once you get a File Manager, there is simply no point in transferring things via a USB drive and then to the external_sd card, unless they are huge or there are zillions of them.

Share your windows directory, and access it over wifi. Copy from windows, directly to /mnt/external_sd/
I honestly can't remember the last time I cabled my Acer to my computer. Cables are so 2007.

File managers are free in the market.

Oh, and like deedub says, Drop box works too, but you STILL need a file manager to move them to your microSD card.

To my way of thinking, sending my files half way across the country just to get them from my computer to my tablet is a case of the only tool you know how to use being a hammer causing you to look at every problem as if it were a nail. Far easier to just share you directory on your windows machine. Its like one right click away in Explorer.

Thank you for your help. I was able to install an app called wifiexplorer, which enabled me to access the files on my PC, but not the SD card. I am familiar with how to share files and folders on my PC, but cannot figure out how to access them on the tablet using ES File Explorer. The app wants information to add a Samba server, and I do not know what that is. Putting in my computers IP address and share name does not work. My whole idea in doing this was to copy the files to the tablet using my PC. Sorry, cables may be 2007, but it is a lot easier to transfer files using one. Connect, copy, paste. That is all I want to do! :cool: I will look into this more tomorrow when I am more awake and rested!!
Well I don't know about wifi explorer, but try ES File Explorer. (It also allows you to surf computers on your WIFI, as well as FTP sites and Dropbox).

Your factory storage is found under /sdcard
(note that /sdcard is an alias (shortcut) to /mnt/sdcard. /mnt/sdcard is where it really exists, but the alias works too).

Your MicroSD ADD-IN card is found under /mnt/external_sd
Any plugged in USB storage is found under

Most file explorers deliver you to /sdcard and some are tricky when trying to get to the root of the tablet which is "/".
Similarly, getting to /mnt is done differently in different file managers.
In ES File Explorer there is a button in that looks like a little MicroSD card that takes you to the root of the drive.
From there you can drill down to where ever you want.

See the little Video on the market.
I got this to work with ES File Explorer, but this is not what I wanted. I guess it will have to do for now, but to me it is a lot easier going from the PC to the tablet. Wifi Explorer would have worked great, but it also was not able to see the microsd card. I am a creature of habit, but will give this a try!! Thank you all for your suggestions!
Rooting won't help.
Get a file manager and forget about cable connections till 3.2 arrives.
Sorry to hear about that. It worked for me like a charm the first time i tried it. Mine is rooted, but i don't know if this is needed to be done. Java on PC installed? usb-debugging allowed? What do you meen with 'recognized the tablet', screenshot?

Btw: i'm on 3.01, can't test it with 3.1 (yet)
Sorry to hear about that. It worked for me like a charm the first time i tried it. Mine is rooted, but i don't know if this is needed to be done. Java on PC installed? usb-debugging allowed? What do you meen with 'recognized the tablet', screenshot?

Btw: i'm on 3.01, can't test it with 3.1 (yet)

What he means is that windows can not see the ADD-IN Microsd card as a separate device, nor as part of the the directory tree, and therefore can not move files directly to the add-in MicroSD card of a USB attached Acer tablet using windows explorer.

Screen shots would be pointless because it is not seen by windows explorer. The only thing windows explorer can see is the MTP device representing the built in sdcard directory.

QtADB is cute for screen shots, and you can surf to the external_sd card in the shell, but that's about all you can do without rooting.
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Its a bit more than a screenshot-app: its a very useful file-explorer. I transfer all my data to sd, ext-sd or whereever i want, see screenshot. It's just working. Of course not in Windows-explorer:cool:.
