MID 7022 Hacks


Jan 22, 2013
I would love to share some hacks for my beloved new plaything

Redefine Button Layout

When I first saw my little coby i thought that button on the front matches a home-button more than a back button, furthermore those keys on top / on the side of the tab aren't really menu and home keys as I have these via soft-keys in JB, so they could be quite useful as volume keys.

As I'm accustomed with samsung galaxy devices I love to have that sort of handling.
For that I modified my button layout

changing Back-Button -> Home Button
Home-Button ->Volume_Down
Menu-Button -> Volume_Up

There are two files that have to be modified



I attached my modified ones
View attachment $keylayout_mod.zip

Coby Kyros mid 7022 has these hardware keys

key 107 = power button
key 158 = button on the front
key 139 = menu button
key 102 = home button

In order to create your own button layout, you have to pull Generic.kl and telechips_keypad.kl
to your desktop-pc, modify the button function according to the numbers and push them back via adb.

You'll need root for that procedure!

if Your adb push fails because of insufficient rights You have to remount your system drive with rw permission

adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
chmod 777 /system/usr/keylayout
Quick Wifi Toggle with tasker app

as I like tasker app very much I made a quick wifi on/off toggle with that neat tool

you'll need 3 tasks for that usage

1. wifi on, (action 1: set wifi to on , action 2: set self-defined variable "Wifi_is_on" to 1
2. wifi off, (action 1: set wifi to off, action 2: set self-defined variable "Wifi_is_on" to 0
3. wifi_switch, (action 1: start task wifi_on if Wifi_is_on equals 0 , action 2: start task wifi_off if Wifi_is_on equals 1)

Save those settings and create a task cut on your homescreen linking to wifi_switch
on each klick wifi_state gets changed
Thanks for the tips, using the menu and home buttons for volume control is especially useful.
get rid of usb-debbuging notification

adb shell
echo "persist.adb.notify=0" >> /system/build.prop
I'm currently tweaking the kernel/ramdisk
This stuff is in alpha state yet

I'm building stock linux 2.6.35 kernel against tcc8900_defconfig but I'm still fighting with the compiler.

For now I've done some tweaks to the ramdisk along the stock kernel.

v. 0.1

+ changed stock busybox to busybox stericson 1.20
verified via BusyboxInstaller app -> stericson-1.20 installed
+ added tun.ko to kernel modules
works and gets loader -> verified via Tun.ko Installer app
- vpnc not yet working -> needs some fixes according to dev configuration
+ mount system in rw mode
+ added su and sh to sbin



* Your warranty is now void. 
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,  
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please  
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this KERNEL-MOD
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if  
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.  

Modified boot.img v0.1
Original boot.img


flash in fastboot mode via

fastboot flash boot boot_name.img
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