[mid 7022] Rom Customization development


Aug 4, 2012
Because strangely my jelly bean nandroid backups dont work any more, when i messed something up with my coby and i am fed up with having to build it up from the start (flashing a ginger bread backup, making the update, rooting it again, installing my apks) i am messing with customizing my own rom.

As i am not that experienced and i am always short on time, it wont be a new rom, but only a modified version of the stock rom.

Why am i writing that: maybe some people are interested in helping creating such a customized roms or just have good ideas improving it.

So the planned features of the Rom up to now:

1. pre-rooted with superuser 3.1.3
2. google apps preinstalled, using a stripped down version, which leaves about 65MB of Space in the system partition.
3. deodex the rom, so more space on system will be achieved
4. remove preinstalled apps
5. get rid of the outdated busybox, which installs itself on boot (need help with that)
6. fixing market incompatibilities
7. supercharge rom
8. Optional New Splash Screen and Boot animation ;)

Does anyone have some suggestions?
Maybe you could change the notification bar with custom icons, like an other battery % indicator, wifi signal... :)
About market compatibility, it run pretty well on my 2.3.3 ROM for 8127, maybe you could take almost the same build.prop.

Can you tell me what is a "supercharged" ROM ?