MID7015 died overnight??? Help!


May 1, 2011
New to the forums, been reading a while, but first post!

I WISH it could have been from my Coby Mid7015, but it doesnt seem to work anymore!

I just bought this thing about a week ago.

Rooted with z4, installed clockwork and gapps, as well as flash.

Last night, I'm laying in bed, everythings working just fine. I put the tablet on the charger and go to sleep.

I wake up this morning and pick it up to check something, and the keyboard wont pop up automatically. Weird. So I try holding home...nothing...I try going to language and keyboard to make sure its auto checked and theres nothing there...I try to select input method on a text box and theres nothing listed. wth? Okay, so I figure I'll factory reset and it will be good. Nope. I forgot to unroot before I reset it, I dont know if that makes a difference. Gapps is still there, but no flash. Still no keyboard. And NOW!

Since I didnt have a keyboard, I was going to install a custom .apk keyboard. So I try using adb install (sdk and usb already setup) and it says adb isnt a known command...hmm....I just used it two days ago to move file recovery.img and install clockwork...

So I figure I'll go through the still intact google apps market and just find a file manager under tools. Dont need a keyboard for that, right? Well, you need internet. I changed my wireless router to not have any security for the time being seeing as how I have no keyboard to type in the password. NOW it wont connect to the router! The bars show full strength, but it says its not in range! If I click connect, it does absolutely nothing. Occasionally it will go to a black screen, freeze for a moment, and then go back to the wifi managment.

I dont know what to do. I have gotten so frustrated trying to fix this thing that I have almost thrown it at a wall multiple times. PLEASE HELP!
It doesn't sound like it 'died' as you say. Something obviously glitched in the firmware. Do you have any backups you created with clockwork? If so, try restoring one of them and be sure to wipe all the caches first. If you don't have any backups then shame on you. You may have to apply one of the update zips. Tipstir has a very nice custom ROM.
Of COUSE I...didnt backup anything...

First tablet, first time modding them. Superman complex?

Okay, so I have been looking at tipstirs rom...from what I have gathered I would install b14 then b15. Problem is, I no longer have z4 root. And because of the lack of keyboard, I cant get it on the market. I have downloaded the apk, and even put it on my sd in a zip called z4 under dir /system/app. Tried using clockwork to install it, but it didnt work. I fully expect there to have to be something else to make installing it this way work but havnt been able to find anything about it. Any info?

Or is there a way to install a .apk using my pc?

And, once again, let me point out there is no keyboard or wifi. For all effects and purposes, until those things are fixed, this thing is a paperweight. Hence dead :p.

Also, do you think installing tipstirs work will result in those things actually being fixed? Or is it just a hoping for it kinda thing?

I'm assuming the lack of kb is due to lack of an android keyboard apk or process of some type. Can I just download this default file somewhere and install it via cmd on pc?

The wifi didnt start doing this until i took the pass off my router. Im thinking it might have something to do with that. So if I can just get the kb working, I can try to put the pass back on and see what happens...thanks for your time guys...
Superman complex? Way to insult someone trying to help you. I'm done with you. Maybe someone else will enjoy being insulted.
WOW, you took that the completely wrong way. I was saying I must have thought nothing bad would happen so I didnt back up the tablet. I meant I must have been having a superman complex moment.

But sure, thanks for the great welcome and apparently complete mis-understanding.

Seriously dude?
Well, now I dont even expect anyone to reply, but I reset my router and got wifi connected again. Weird, because my xbox and pc were still connecting fine when the tab wasnt. But I'm about to install z4 and root, then install tipstirs stuff. Ill be back soon with results...but still appreciate any ideas on the whole keyboard thing. Thanks...
My bad if I took it wrong just the tone of your post struck me wrong. Again, probably my problem. I don't know what you want as far as an answer to your problem other than a restore or applying another update.zip. You say you applied clockwork mod before. You should be able to get to it by holding the power and silver button at the same time while powering up. From there you can apply an update.zip (ROM) you have put on the sdcard.
And welcome to the forum! :)

P.S. You are going in circles worrying about wifi and keyboard. You need to reflash the ROM in my opinion. That is the only answer I have for you. Maybe someone else has something else.
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As I said before, Im new to all this so I wasnt sure if flashing a new rom would fix it.

HOWEVER, I did manage to get the wifi working, and also found a "better keyboard" .apk on my sd card i forgot about. installed that, and its good to go now.

Still going to flash tipsters rom though now. Thank you for at least trying to help!
You're welcome. Glad you got it fixed. I was going by your original post about the screen flashing and freezing and things missing. Sounded like you had a more serious problem. Problems don't always come across correctly in these forums.
Don't forget to backup superman:)
Listen relax here no personal attacks allowed. We must all work and share what we know to help each other. I see some jokes or some sort of humor posted and was taken out of content. So lets drop that foolishness and try to see what the root of your issue.

1. Did you press the reset button on the back?
2. Did you press the reset button and the power button at the same time causes a cold boot.

I should really read more before I try to do things with android that I know nothing about. I have now learned this.

Ill be reading about the honeycomb rom for hours probably now trying to figure out whats happening. ha. This is like learning the pc all over again.

Oops. This repeating honeycomb animation is cool though :p.

:edit: I guess I should retitle this whole post to "i killed my 7015 overnight".
I did reset it using the back button, did nothing. I did not do the other. I will read up on what it does here now..
You got to press it in and wait then release. Your dealing with no moving hardware it's all solid state read/store/write chips. Keep this tablet away from strong magnets too. Don't drop it either other wise the touch panel could crack and break. If you still have issues just let the battery drain out then re-charge it. If you still having issue than the tablet is DUFF (dead). Either return/exchange/refund, if you can't do that contact COBYUSA RMA # department or follow the sheet they gave you to send it back to them $17 to $20 bucks would have to go with the return.