MID7024 - All You Need To Know

i turned on aLogCat for MID7024 and then i pressed the up and down volumn button . . . and this is what is in the log.
W( 2122) VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface (WindowManager)
W( 2583) Can't open keycharmap file (KeyCharacterMap)
W( 2583) Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/s3c-button.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65537.devname='s3c-button' (KeyCharacterMap)
W( 2583) Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin (KeyCharacterMap)
I( 2180) Try to open ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback (AudioHardwareALSA)
I( 2180) Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE (Signed 16 bit Little Endian) (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Using 2 channels for PLAYBACK. (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Set PLAYBACK sample rate to 44100 HZ (AudioHardwareALSA)
E( 2180) Fail to set period size 4 (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Buffer size: 2048 (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Latency: 46439 (AudioHardwareALSA)

W( 2122) VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface (WindowManager)
I( 2180) Try to open ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback (AudioHardwareALSA)
I( 2180) Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE (Signed 16 bit Little Endian) (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Using 2 channels for PLAYBACK. (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Set PLAYBACK sample rate to 44100 HZ (AudioHardwareALSA)
E( 2180) Fail to set period size 4 (AudioHardwareALSA)
D( 2180) Buffer size: 2048 (AudioHardwareALSA)
HTH (hope this helps)
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and then here is the same log from a haipad m7.
D( 64) AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby. (AudioHardware)
D( 64) closePcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 1 (AudioHardware)
W( 167) VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface (WindowManager)
W( 829) No keyboard for id 0 (KeyCharacterMap)
W( 829) Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin (KeyCharacterMap)
D( 64) AudioHardware pcm playback is exiting standby. (AudioHardware)
D( 64) openPcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 0 (AudioHardware)

W( 167) VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface (WindowManager)
I( 167) Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192 (dalvikvm)
D( 64) AudioHardware pcm playback is going to standby. (AudioHardware)
D( 64) closePcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 1 (AudioHardware)
D( 64) AudioHardware pcm playback is exiting standby. (AudioHardware)
D( 64) openPcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 0 (AudioHardware)
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SuperOneClick works great on the 7024 so i'm guessing it'll also work on yours too. ( any x024 ? )
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. . . . . . . (from their site)
Posted on August 1, 2011 by shortfuse
Yeah, yeah. I know, I keep saying I’ve fixed it, but this time I’ve attached proof.
If you use GingerBreak, make sure you have a microSD inserted if possible. Also, make sure your removable storage isn’t mounted.
Download now!
. . . . . . . .
@flxrms, did you try prox32 FW mod of fonix232's FW mod ? ( mod squared or mod to the second power ? )
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Evolution R4 1.2ghz - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Evolution R4 998mhz - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
please point me to the hex editor patch steps to change a herotab c8 firmware into a ( mostly ) working coby MID7024 tablet. ( please ? )
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I run SuperOneClick and I got a message a stating that my MID1024 was rooted. Ok, I'm going to really show my ignorance here: how do I know it actaully is rooted?


IMHO, its the best app backup on the market. ( oh, and its free - but you can purchase a 'pro' license if you wish to... i did. )

Thanks you but that doesn't have anything to do with my question about SuperOneClick.

oh contrair ( hopefully ) and the reason for my suggestion is that it is a free app that requires 'root' access to function at all and it will tell you if it has gained root access priviledges...
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I got it!! Now I understnad. Thanks for the idea, I will play with it a little, but I have to beleive that there is a way to tell if it is rooted on the device iteself.
If you can get a 'terminal' session working on the devise you can check if you have root access by typing su at the command line and checking the reply. It might be easier installing Super user from the market to test.
Sent from my X10i using Android Tablet Forum
Hello everyone! So, I've read and read for 3 whole days and did a lot of what was suggested, but I still cannot get root explorer to work. I installed and run z4root. But when I try to run root explorer (v 2.12.4) a window pops up with "root explorer has not yet managed to obtain root access. (...)" and I can't do anything besides hit OK.

On the background, faded, I see "File System: remount as R/W" as if it were a clickable buttom but can't get to it. I have tried moving the app from the phone to the SD card, I tried a differnt version of root explorer too (oplder I think), which worked, but it didn't have an edit text option so it was no use.

Any ideas?! I still don't have market nor 3G access. I'm going crazy here!!!! Will I have to do a manual root?! I will if it comes that but it's just soo scary hahah

edit: btw I also tried getting ArcTools and downloading market with it, but it can't create a temporary directory for instalation so.. I AM STUCK! ARGH

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