MID7024 "Official" and Custom ROMs

I download the pdf and follow the instructions, but does not start the update automaticamentey a message says that there is or there is no image to perform the update. I do not recognize what is in the micro SD. The files are stuck in the root directory. Please help me. Thanks
is your nand formated fat32 ? did you use the special format tool ? did you unzip the 'rar' package to get a folder ? did you take the sixteen files and place them on the root of the external micro sd ( for me the internal is G: drive and the external is H: drive. so, you got the files ( not the folder ) on the H: ? ? ?
Thank you flxrms,
i am trying it now. it installed okay. it is quicker. first thing i did was to go to 'superoneclick' to get root. that worked too. now the market is fighting me. it mostly does not work ( download ). my first and most important task to to use 'titanium backup' to restore the fourty odd little apps. i tried to install busybox and it stays forever on 'please wait' ( stuck ).
trying to think what it wants and needs next. i installed 'rom manager' and then i tried to do a 'fix permissions', and it does not do any fixing ( stuck ).
well i think this coby probably needs a slower clock. where do you keep the 'clock down' version ?
....the titanium restore worked. i was sweating it out to see if it also would develope freeze ups. none there !
.. AnTuTu bench mark just force closes, no runny, no way, no how.

I know i copied busybox at the xbin directory... im thinking if i should just shared the rooted version. Can you check your application storage is bigger?

For slower cpu all you need to do is read my intruction of using the stock u-boot.bin of ofw 7024 firmware.

Opera mobile is better than the mini...

I have to encounter any force close yet on my tablet.

Try to reboot if your market is not downloading.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
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in settings:
sd card - total space 7.45 GB and available 7.27 GB
nand memory - total space 2.29 GB and available 2.26 GB
Android system
capacity - 95.7 M
available 5.0 M
tried to acquire root with es file explorer and it says 'sorry' no can do
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down clocked to the default speed by swapping out the four files for the one file. done. reload firmware. done. re-do superoneclick. done. . . . now trying the broken apps. no change. they are still broken. wel, now i need to go to coby stock.
down clocked to the default speed by swapping out the four files for the one file. done. reload firmware. done. re-do superoneclick. done. . . . now trying the broken apps. no change. they are still broken. wel, now i need to go to coby stock.

Did you install the apps manually or via titanium backup?

ill share the root batch file on monday.

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7024
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Change Detail:
Cpu 998Mhz to 1149Mhz
Application Storage 486.4Meg to 1133.9Meg (Install all the application you want!!!)
Improve Database IO
Battery with Percentage
Windows action
Latest ver of google market

i forgot the other changes

This is not yet rooted but easily rootable... i'll leave it up to you if you want to root your tablet.

Please note if you dont want overclocking replace "u-boot.arg,u-boot.bin,u-boot.sd and setbootargs" with the official u-boot.bin of OFW 7024



Its nice to receive thanks :)

Props to Prox32 for some of the info i got from him.

Hey man just installed your CFW and is running great! THANKS, but how can i change the font to the default? Also i want to remove titanium back up and super user.

Figured this out already, thanks for the rom is great!

Sent from my CFW-MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
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is 2.2 ( still froyo ) and i really do not know if they ( coby / urbetter ) did any bug fixes. i did not see any 'change log' of any kind. hmmm, the date is newer.
Since i was asked again the changes:

1. Framework change
i used UOT kitchen to update Battery,Icons, Font, Window Behavior, Loading Circle and Bootanimation. Instruction on how to do that just read the FAQ at UOT Kitchen website..its really easy promise :)

2. Delete/Update/Add app files at Board.7024.tgz with what i want...its up to you.

3. Add V6Supercharger tweaks

4. Change boot loader with latest gingerbread overclock u-boot.bin (This one is tricky i can use this because its made for 7/8inch tablets im not sure if this will work with (1024)10.1inch LCD without modification, this might even brick your tablet but its worth it if your brave enough to Test it first)
-you have to hex edit the overclock boot loader if you want to use this. (this one is optional for other tablets 1024)

5. Use a modified 4gb sd_mbr.bin with (1gig Internal Memory space instead of default 484MB) (This one is easy just drop the mbr for (4gb, 8gb and 16gb) and use the updated utscript.sh)
-This is a good mod since you will increase the Internal Memory for applications. No need to use app2sd or link2sd. i even have to move the app from sd to internal memory.

6. Copy latest Google Market (This one is up to you...the google market i used cant download app the first time i used it..need to REBOOT the tablet then everything is working/downloading)

7. Edit Build.prop
-Change LCD Density to 162 (I need to experiment with 180, the font im using is to small for 162 now)

8. Edit Default.prop so tablet can be rooted.

Mods i forgot to do

1. Change the fingerprint of the tablet (I forgot to use the samsung tablet fingerprint)
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Android 2.2 for Kyros 7024 base on the 20110516.191834 Build from Kyros 1024 firmware.

The stock android 2.2 of Official Firmware for Kyros 7024 is April 12,2011. So I guess 1024 firmware is newer and bluetooth is now working.

Change Detail:
Overclock cpu 998Mhz to 1149Mhz
Application Storage 486.4mb to 1133.9mb (Default 1Gb but you can replace with 2Gb intenal mbr)
Improve Database IO
Battery with Percentage
Ubuntu Font *
Windows action
Latest version of Google Market
LCD Density 162
Optimize etc.

Whats working:
Volume button hardkey

Whats included with the archive:
There's 3 additional folder that you can see i guess this is self explanatory already.

1G-Internal Memory - Just copy the sd_mbr.dat and replace the root directory copy if you want 1gb internal memory.
2G-Internal Memory - Just copy the sd_mbr.dat and replace the root directory copy if you want 2gb internal memory.
Rootme - (For rooting..just attach your tablet to your PC via USB then run the batch file "root.bat", this will copy superuser)

*** I test this rom with my own Kyros 7024 Tablet and im sure that this is working...But it doesn't mean this will work for you perfectly. ***

Please note if you dont want overclocking replace "u-boot.arg,u-boot.bin,u-boot.sd and setbootargs" with the official u-boot.bin of OFW 7024
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So since we are sharing this is what I build for my personal use but if anyone wants to try it out be my guest :)
this is my peppermint rom


Changes: Nothing big really

Based on Official 7420
Lots of changes regarding the install process I hate how coby flash one thing over another
Custom logo
Custom theme (UOT)
Battery with percentage
Google search bar replaced with a black one
Changed default wallpaper (hated the other one)
Custom font
Removed most of the STOCK apps.
Google with old market
Use SuperOneClick 2.1.1 to root (I spend almost 3 full days talking with people for forums and IRC, attempted almost 10 different ways to root this thing by default and couldn't do it :( )
LCD density changed to 180

Why old market?
Well I'm from Costa Rica and I used to have the new market but it appears that they implemented some checking on the apps that you can download for example with the old market I can download and install Astro file manager but with the new one I can't
And to be honest I like the old one better :p.

I guess that's all

Same as usual
This is something I build for my personal use and works perfectly on my device, that does not means is going to work on yours, you are fully responsible of what you do with your device and by downloading and installing you take full responsibility of what happens to it.

Known Issue
The clock on the status bar has black text, is hard to see but it is there.
I'll try to fix it when I have more time :p

peppermint_rom - Minus.com
MD5: 3035852487c122b41ffd9a5cac99da9d

oh and a little tip
I did not include it but since the LCD density is changed you should install ADW, that launcher lets you play with the number of rows and columns on the drawer and the home screens so yo can end up with something like this:
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