MID7065 No Longer Connects to WiFi


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2014
My sons both got a Coby mid 7065 at Christmas. Both have worked fine until 2 months ago. One no longers sees the wifi connection. You can click to turn on wifi and it will search. Then it will automatically slide back to wifi off. The only difference between the two is that the one not working has minecraft installed on it. Any idea what's going on and how to correct it?
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I would go to that connection in the WiFi settings and long press it. Tell it to forget the connection, restart the tablet and try again. If that doesn't work try restarting the router. Something may have gotten confused.
It doesn't show the connection so I can't do a long press. The wifi button under networks is on the off position. I can't get it to slide to the on position. It sometimes can be moved to the on postion but within 30 seconds it wil slide itself back to off.
Try restarting your router. Leave it off for a couple minutes then back on again.
It was the first thing I tried when it first started. I've also tried several times since then hoping it'll work.