MID8024 Official and Custom Roms thread. add your custom roms

I'm playing with the Alldro2 2.3 ROM (the one that jmv_10's ROM was based on) on my MID7024.

I got it rooted with the latest Superuser (3.0.2 at the time of this post).

I have tried a couple root apps: the latest ES File explorer and Titanium backup; they seem to work fine. The only problem is I can't really read the Superuser popup because it's too small to fit all the text. Might be related to my LCD density setting...

The attached zip contains su and Superuser.apk v3.0.2 and a modified utscript.sh to install them.
You're welcome to use it in your ROM if you want.

The utscript is also modified to create a 1.5GB data partition for apps, but I can undo that change if you want.

Thanks Steeve! Thats awesome, I was just working out how to get both those things working on my rom. Much appreciated!
Alright folks, Time to bring you another release of Nefarious-Bread. Nothing major changed thus far but some more tweaks and improvements to make life a little easier.

change log

V1.1.1 - Revised, New changes in bold
-Added root patch and browser/search key disable apk ( Thanks to Steeve for those)
Also added Python for Android APK for the browser/search button apk to work.
-Removed bloat APKs ( E-music, aplys store, third-party youtube player)
-Add Uscript.sh for 1.5gb free space for apps. (credit to Steeve)
-modified build.prop to reflect rom name and version
- Modified default.prop with persist.service.adb.enable=1
-LCD Density Change to 160 to fix oddly shaped dialouge boxes and apps
-Removed ES file explorer and Task Manager till proper permissions are enabled for root access. Downloading them from Market does give you proper root access
-Enabled GPS settings
-Enabled bluetooth settings
-Enabled HDMI advanced settings


- Working Android Market built-in
-Semi rooted (Default.prop changed to so ro.secure is 0 and debug is 1 )
- LCD density is 165 ( My prefered density but can be changed in the build.prop before flash)
- Fingerprint for Market has been changed to Motorola Xoom for more app availability.
- Added com.google.android.maps.jar to /system/framework ( fixes some apps not installing)
- Added com.google.android.maps.xml to /system/etc/permissions (fixes some apps not install

Todo List

-Theme/aesthetic changes
-OC'd U-boot ( currently even with editing for the 8024, the OC will hard brick the tablet)
-bug fixes ( still having issues with ES file explorer not gaining root, but other root apps are working)
-Possibility of updated OpenGLes libs
-adding database I/O tweaks.
-better memory settings.


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I've tried v1 and can't edit the file for bluetooth work! Maybe because of ES file explorer. There is some way of getting is right without change the rom? Being a newbie, I don't like be changing roms often!
Also when I get a shot with the camera the picture is recorded inverted! The left side become right and right became left, like a mirror. But the on the screen it's normal!
Am I doing something wrong or it's some settings I've forgot?

Btw! Thanks for the rom!
I've tried v1 and can't edit the file for bluetooth work! Maybe because of ES file explorer. There is some way of getting is right without change the rom? Being a newbie, I don't like be changing roms often!
Also when I get a shot with the camera the picture is recorded inverted! The left side become right and right became left, like a mirror. But the on the screen it's normal!
Am I doing something wrong or it's some settings I've forgot?

Btw! Thanks for the rom!

Have you enabled root exploring in the ES File Explorer? I'm curious to see if others had the same issue where it would not gain root access. If that is the case, what you can do is still use ADB to pull the file and edit it, then push it back. I'm still trying to figure out why its not gaining root, I'm pretty sure its a permissions problem, but even with the correct permission it doesn't seem to work. I ended up removing ES file explorer from the rom on my tablet and downloading it from the market, that worked. I might post up a quick revision to take out ES file explorer from the rom so that it can be downloaded from the market instead, until I can figure out why it doesn't gain access with the built in one.

Hmm.. thats an odd one with the camera. Let me test it with my tablet as well and see what happens. It might be because I didn't set the camera position in the U-boot, but the u-boots are stock, so they should work

P.S Okay, I see what you're saying with the camera. In portrait mode ( the tablet sitting up ) it takes pictures just fine. in landscape ( Tablet sitting on its side) it mirrors the picture.

Checked in to some information about mirroring and it seems to be an android problem, not a issue with the rom or tablet. There is ways of correcting it, but would require coding done to the Camera API to disable the mirroring. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to do so right now as my home computer is down and I've been doing most of the Rom development at work.
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I've tried v1 and can't edit the file for bluetooth work! Maybe because of ES file explorer. There is some way of getting is right without change the rom? Being a newbie, I don't like be changing roms often!
Also when I get a shot with the camera the picture is recorded inverted! The left side become right and right became left, like a mirror. But the on the screen it's normal!
Am I doing something wrong or it's some settings I've forgot?

Btw! Thanks for the rom!

I made some changes to V1.1.1 - http://db.tt/tFH6b0ji Camera is still mirror'd in landscape but I went ahead and enabled bluetooth, GPS, and HDMI advanced settings. Also I have removed the ES file explorer and task manager, just download them from the market and they should work properly
hello nefirim.
I tried the v1.0 rom and goes perfectly. Thank you.
When setting the time is not working well but is unimportant.
is true that we in the bluetooth rom v1.1.1?

Heeello people, I've been following this thread for some time without a reg, today I decided to reg to chat with you guys!, I'm with a little problem on Nefarious Bread :/, I've already googled about the root by steeve, But I Really didn't find anything about it :/ I couldn't root my Kyros 8024 yet,even trying by ADB shell, it says that it can't mout :

mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

The only method I didn't tried was this one by steeve, because I'm not understanding what you wanna mean :/

help me please \o/ Thank you all guys!

By the way, later I'll post how to get rid of the death blank screen on kyros, lots of people had killed their kyros with it!

I would like to know how to get rid of the death blank screen. I own a Coby Kyros MID8027 (actually it is a MPMAN 827, but it's the same).

hello nefirim.
I tried the v1.0 rom and goes perfectly. Thank you.
When setting the time is not working well but is unimportant.
is true that we in the bluetooth rom v1.1.1?


That is correct, I did enable Bluetooth settings in v1.1.1, however you still need an external dongle to be able to use bluetooth. It is not built into the tablet.

What issues are you having with the time settings? I know when you first install the rom that its set for the central time zone but you can set it to the correct time zone through the time and date settings.
hello nefirim,

i rooted my coby8024 last night and installed your ROM and I'd like to thank you for giving a life to my, otherwise, useless tablet. The original froyo was virtually not usable on my machine because of lagging keyboard, constant battery drain and otherwise unresponsive behavior most of the time. This has changed with your ROM; the Coby is way faster than it was, great keyboard response, skype is working with video calls, google maps is working as well (it wasn't getting my location previously) etc etc
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work

what time options and time is all right to me.
are working on more versions of the rom for our tablet?
what time options and time is all right to me.
are working on more versions of the rom for our tablet?
all i ever do is; turn "off" the top automatic from internet switch -and- (important) set my time zone. then i never saa any problems ! . HTH
thank you for the rom.it's working for my 8024.
just want to ask about 3g settings. i'm using smartbro mf627 and its not on the list.how can i add it on so i can use my smartbro.
You're very much welcome, believe me, I understand how bad that original froyo was. Its why I started working on Nefarious Bread, Thankfully jmv_10 was able to find and provide a nice working base gingerbread rom, otherwise none of this would have been possible. I'm glad you're enjoying the rom and that its working out for you :D

What options do you have currently set in the settings? I'm not sure if the automatic settings work, as I think those are more for phones, or there might be a NTP setting that I've missed in the configuration files. Either way, for right now, Its best to not use Automatic and set your time and Date settings manually. As far as the options you will need, that depends on your time zone.

And yes, I'm still working on development of the rom, unfortunately its slow going right now as my personal home computer doesn't have a power supply and the only time I can work on it is from my station at work. Updates will be slow, but I can assure you I'm not done yet.

I personally don't have a 3g modem to test out the 3g settings, but let me check into those and see what I can do. as far as I know it should be compatiable with just any 3g modem, but you said there is a list of modems?
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thank you for the rom.it's working for my 8024.
just want to ask about 3g settings. i'm using smartbro mf627 and its not on the list.how can i add it on so i can use my smartbro.

Apparently some have gotten the modem to work with AT commands : ASK : Adding ZTE modem driver to Epad but as far as adding it to that list, would need a driver which I don't think there is one for android. There is a linux driver but the source would have to be recompiled for ARM processor. your best bet is the AT commands