mini-SD card and Oovoo problem--!!! Mid 9742 Android 4.0


Apr 11, 2012
Hi, everyone

Got my mid 9742 two weeks ago, very happy with video, audio and 9.7'' size. However, there are 2 problems bothering me, I am the first time android user, not sure is tablet's problem or not.
1. mini SD card. I bought a 32 g mini sd card, mid 9742 recognized it right away, but when I tried to copy a picture from the internal storage to the mini SD card, it won't work. However, it seems I can copy somthing from mini SD card to the internal storage. I use ES File Explorer.
2. I am so happy with mid 9742, I bought two of them. I use them to try oovoo, when I use one to call the other, both of them will make "chiping" sounds but no showing live picture or voice.

Again, I am the first time android user, These are probably not tablet's problems. Thank you very much if anyone can help me fix these problems.
I had read that this was not possible. You have to move the item from pad to SD card while connected to a PC and pad is set as a USB device. New to this as well so I may not know what I am talking about.
I have simular issue on a Coby 7042 (ICS) .....

If hooked using the USB cable I can copy and paste to both MicroSD cards....
If I try to use FTP to the tablet I can ONLY write to the internal SD card .....

I am not ROOTED ... I figure it is a Permission issue... but have not had a reason to hunt a fix YET...
On the issue of ooVoo (Chat) I noticed alot of people in the feedback are complaining about the
current ver. 1.2.6 having alot of problems.... (ie) was working, then Updated, Stopped working...


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If you are rooted, there is a fix to mount the external storage as R/W to allow this.

Oh, I forgot about this bug.

Here's a workaround/fix:

-Use a root explorer to edit /system/etc/platform.xml

-Find this section:
<permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" >
    <group gid="sdcard_rw" />

-Add this:
<permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" >
    <group gid="sdcard_rw" />
    [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<group gid="media_rw" />[/B][/COLOR]

-Save and reboot

See full thread here:

Moved to Technical.
I got around the problem by not using "ES file explorer" and using AndExplorer.apk which has a file select feature. So it's my guess that permissions have nothing to do with it.
"ES file explorer" has its own virtues that make it better than AndExplorer for some things.

You can also move files between /sdcard (internal user data) and /mnt/sdext (external user data) from a PC the supports MTP (Media Transport Protocol - a Microsoft USB storage protocol for MP3 players) such as Windows with Media Player. In Windows Explorer they appear as two separate mounted volumes - which keeps things simpler (unless you are more comfortable with Linux file systems)
--- TTFN