"Mini Tablet" vs "Mini Tablet Express"

So let me see if I got this straight.
The SYNET7LP is definitely the one I want? Even if in the settings menu it says SYTABEX7?
The TABEX7 does say 7LP under device info. If you think you have a SYNET7LP.. look at the ports. if you only have power 2 mini UBS headphone jack and SD slot you have a TABEX7. If you have all that AND an HDMI port then you have the SYNET7LP.

My question is: If they BOTH say SYNET7LP in the system info, leading me to believe it's all the same software, then why would the 7LP's be successful with the 2.02 update and the EX7's were not?
My question is: If they BOTH say SYNET7LP in the system info, leading me to believe it's all the same software, then why would the 7LP's be successful with the 2.02 update and the EX7's were not?

The "Model number" field in the Settings > About device is hard coded into the application.

    .line 66
    const-string v1, "device_model"

    const-string v2, "SYNET7LP"

    invoke-direct {p0, v1, v2}, Lcom/android/settings/DeviceInfoSettings;->setStringSummary(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
Both devices might be running many of the same OEM modified applications however, with no-HDMI on one and another with HDMI and more memory creates different hardware versions, thus different "kernel_version" updates.
There is something 'fishy' with this SYTABEX7 bought in CVS... It is definitively a beta version that does not work as the SYTABLP7 and will never do...
About calling the Customer Service, better get a good seat because they simply NEVER answered neither e-mails...
About getting an upgrade, I can not understand how they answered JPardee e-mails and nobody else... well... difficult to understand
The thing is CVS sold out all these crappy devices and now we have a mutant one
I left 5 voice mails and three emails, no answer of course
If tomorrow they do not answer or call, I will return the piece and I recommend to do the same...
Agreed. I picked mine up from CVS for $99 as well, rooted, put on market, and have been loving it. WORD TO THE WISE: There is an "Update Device" option at the bottom of the list in Settings, I checked this every day since I got it and today, there was an update. IT BRICKED MY TABLET. I'm going to be returning it to CVS. DO NOT UPDATE.

Ok, I got this tablet from CVS today. They had bunches. Ran AndRoot on it successfully. Downloaded a couple APKs and installed no problem. A couple questions:
1) Can I upgrade to Android 2.2 and how?
2) How do I get Android Market on here? I downloaded the APK that's supposed to be for Android 2.1, but it just responds with "failed to install" whenever I attempt an install...

Can someone help a n00b out?
Like JPardee and The Doctor Who I actually got an answer to my email. I sent in my email on Mar 26 and got my reply on Mar 31. You just have to patient. They either have a very small support staff, are overwhelmed by sales of the SYTABEX7 or both.

I was offered a chance to request a RMA number, but I chose to decline since I discovered that at least my HOST USB port was indeed working. Instead I asked them if they could check the download image on their server.

I hope to hear from them again in another five days.
I have two that are in process of being returned to DigitalGadgets. They have been more than helpful and respond to email faster than they did with messages. Just have a bit of patience and they will get to you, or at least they did with me!
(catching up on this) I got mine back and they did nothing. They returned the same units, but with 2.2 on it. Everything seems to work...ok. Not great, but ok. It's a $99 tablet, I dont expect much from it, it is just a $100 toy for playing Angry Birds on and checking email and Facebook. The thing that gripes my arse is it keeps dropping WIFI now and will not reconnect. I have to reboot it and wait. I have written Jeffrey @ DigitalGadgets and he gave me the typical speil that you would get from any support desk... checking the OBVIOUS. They dont even know there is an upgraded driver for the WIFI unit in their product. I have been looking at all of the available tablets on the market and I have decided that I wasted my money on this one. I will still use it for the above tasks, but I dont expect anything else from it. I am going to make a couple of hardware changes (I've already cracked it open and started Id'ing components). The first on my list is a USUABLE audio plug. The WORLD uses a 3.5mm jack and we got stuck with a 2.5 and that is just sad. Wonder what they saved? 1/100th of a cent? Anyhow, in my searches I have found direct vendors that will sell you the same basic tablet WITH all of the good stuff for $85 plus shipping. I am sure it has it quirks like ours do and it doesnt have GPS, but with the BT, I could at least connect to my Delorme Earthmate or something...

Or go all out and get this one...

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Hmmmm.... don't know... that $85 one looks nice, specially compared to this one... how much is shipping on it though? Wonder how similar it is to the tabex7? Wonder if the case could be cracked and have the GPS added to it... Not really hardcore about the GPS part, but if it could be added in... with a few other tweaks, it could become an in car computer. GPS NAV and radio usage...