[MOD] Rooted PDN ROM Experience v1.2 (No GE)


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010
PreModded and PreConfigured PDNW Firmwares - nchntr_experience_v1 by our member: nchntrman
This is a description of my modified Pandigital Novel Firmware.

- Based on 7_24_K OEM Firmware update

- Volume key mod to remap the Volume Up button to the Menu Button function and the Volume Down button to the back button function.

- Root enabled SU with root permissions

- Notification/Status Bar Enabled on Boot

Installed Apks

- 91PandaHome 1.95
- AdhocEnable (set for adhoc: AndroidTether)
- Adobe Reader
- Advanced Task Manager (Set to run at boot)
- AndExplorer
- Android System Info
- Apps Installer
- Aptoide
- Audio Manager
- Blackmoon File Browser
- Dolphin Browser HD
- Bookmarks to SD
- Read it Later
- Blue Theme
- Adblock Plus
- ES File Explorer
- Home Switcher
- Office Suite
- SetCPU (Set to run on boot)
- SkyFire
- Smart Bar
- System Panel Lite
- WebSharing
- Wifi Analyzer
- WifiToggle Widget
- YouTube
- yxflash


System Settings
Application settings - Unknown Sources Enabled

Dolphin Browser HD
Show Pinch Zoom
Set as Default Browser
Bookmarks for Several Android Repositories
Install Downloaded Apks from Downloads/Status Bar

Audio Manager
Wifi Toggle

PandaHome Side Docks

Left Bar

Adobe Reader
Dolphin Broswer HD
Office Suite

Right Bar

Android System Info
Apps Installer
ES File Explorer
Home Switcher
System Panel Lite
Wifi Analyzer

SmartBar (Status/Notification Bar)
Audio Manager
Go Home
Task Manager
Show recent Apps
Quick Switch
Quick Exit
Advanced Task Manager

After flashing this Firmware the dalvik cache will need to rebuild, as a result Office Suite and Sometimes Pandahome will display error on the first boot. Subsequent boot should be clean and error free.

One issue with 91Pandahome is when the Home screen loads it will display in Landscap Mode even if the Novel is in the Portrait Position. Rotate the Novel CLOCKWISE until the Power connector is at the top. Then rotate counter-clockwise back to Portrait position and it will correctly display Portrait. This version (and all current home screens) will not function in Landscape position with the power connector at bottom or Portrait position upside down.

There is no market installed on this build, however I have installed the Aptoide Repository cleint and added the nchntr experience v1 repository. Also with the Bookmarks in Dolphin to the Apk repositories almost all free market apks are available. NOTE Some repositories have Pirated Full Versions of apks available, it is the responsibility of the User to conform to copywrights. To the best of my knowledge all apks included in this firmware are free, freeware, shareware or demo versions.

THIS IS A BETA RELEASE !! Intermediate Users Only Please.

Note each file needs to be download and installed (then come back and grab the next one then repeat the process)
To install you need connect AC power to your Novel and then Turn on the power then press the up volume key at the same time
Once you see the Blue Pandigital Novel screen then release the both the power and volume up key

1. Download OEM 7_24 ROM
2. Download MOD Rooted Experience v1.2
3. Patch for Rotation 7_24
4. Patch for Volume 7_24
5. Patch for BusyBox 7_24
6. Patch for Status Bar 7_24


Note: This is the MOD Rooted PDN ROM I use for my PDN White PCB_v1 because of the issue with Video 5 second Pause Delay with Current ROM from PDN and other Rooted ROM.
With this one the issue is gone!

Contact the Author nchntrman
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Please do not repackage my releases without permission, or without linking back to the original post on slatedroid. I find this not only misleading where credit is due, but also in accurate. You have removed the read me and installation instructions, as well as this release is now out of date.
Please do not repackage my releases without permission, or without linking back to the original post on slatedroid. I find this not only misleading where credit is due, but also in accurate. You have removed the read me and installation instructions, as well as this release is now out of date.

They're not repackaged. Same files just made easier to install them in order. That was the issue I had where I was not able to install your package. To get it to run. I did tell you about it? But I didn't get a reply back from you? Note: I could never get your package to load onto my PDN. The above links works.

Anyway your a member here, now you take over. More of you ROM coders need to come over here and support your MOD ROM. I just did what I could to help out the members here. No harm was intended. All is good your ROM will help those with Hardware v1.

Note: OEM 7_24 didn't come from your package. Nor did I see it in that package.

Well now I can link you member name since your a member here.
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I prefer to stay at Slatedroid with support for my releases. Please Provide a link to the slatedroid thread for this topic here so the people who would like the full instructions and original releases may locate them.
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Okay that can be done. But that site is down still.. Do you have your links you can post them here and I can make the changes.