Modified flash.apk still no hulu


Aug 3, 2010
For those who have an android phone running froyo your probably aware that hulu had blocked their site from android users. Generally in the past there were methods around this which involved installing a modified flash.apk.

Okay so I went ahead and removed the previously installed flash apk (use root explorer to do it) then I use adb to install it. The next step involved using the debug mode in the browser to make our seem like it is a desktop. Well when I type about:debug in my browser and go into the settings there is no option to change it to desktop. I only see these options:

So my question is, how the heck do we get hulu working?! When I used skyfire to and switched it to the desktop view, it said I didn't have flash installed. Any ideas?


okay so i found a thread on XDA that seemed to get me a lil further but not where i wanna be.

this thread suggest that you just install the latest flash.apk and just replace the lib file they give u with the one that comes preinstalled. doing that gets me an error on hulu:

"Unfortunately Hulu is not supported on your platform. We apologize for any inconvenience."

Before, I just got an error saying that they are gonna bring hulu plus to android but thats about it. yes i changed it to desktop and even tried it on skyfire. nothing.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
Hulu is quick to block any hack the android community can come up with so you will probably just have to wait until hulu comes out with an app for android.
Hulu is quick to block any hack the android community can come up with so you will probably just have to wait until hulu comes out with an app for android.

That will cost money money though! It shouldn't be blocked. If the hack works on my 3.7" nexus it should work on my 7" phone (tab). I'm sure we can come up with something. Someone mentioned that maybe the binaries are different compared to other phones.

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