Mods - Posts Appear To Be Getting Moved Between Threads Without Notification


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2010
Mods it appears that specific posts have been moved between threads without notification and without obvious reason. Posts #47 and #48 above were originally part of the following thread: (they were a follow on to my question asked in post #8 of that thread which was inexplicably not moved) and somehow ended up here without rhyme, reason, or fair warning. I went back to the other thread to reference the app recommended above and could not find my post and initially thought it was deleted from the forum. Eventually had to resort to "show all posts" for my own username to track it down. Not exactly sure why its happening but if it was intentionally moved it would be nice to let everybody know that a post was moved and for what reason to prevent temporary insanity of the original poster(s) and to maintain the integrity and logic of the affected threads. Otherwise if there is some technical glitch or corruption of the forum database, then just informing you so it can be addressed. Thanks for listening.
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Mods: I've encountered one recent occasion where my post and an accompanying post were moved from one thread to another without notification (and its not even obvious why because a third post that provided context for the other two posts was left behind). This created much confusion and consternation on my part as I was trying to refer back to an app that was recommended to me by a forum member in one of the posts that was moved. I don't have a big problem with this from a moderator judgement point of view as to ensuring the post resides under the right topic - but a notification to the forum members should be made when this is done intentionally (such as when the forum was reorganized a few weeks back to add sub-forum topic areas - there was plenty of warning comms and forum members understood that things would be a little messy during the process). If this is a one-time glitch (or even technical issue with the forum data base) fine. But if it is going to be a regular occurrence, then some notification needs to be given when it happens so forum members can find old references based on thread topics without thinking they've lost their minds (just as forum members should practice the good etiquette to document a deleted post) and to maintain the logic and integrity of the affected threads. Hope I am not overreacting, but really found the particular instance to be rather strange in this case and just thought I would point it out in case it was not intentional. The following post refers to the specifics: FWIW. If this is somehow operator error on my part, I respectfully beg forgiveness.
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I screwed it up. It was an accident and completely my fault.

I was going to merge the 3 separate threads kichigai made to answer his question of whether or not he should buy a S7, and somehow spliced the threads together. I had to pull some back out.

On the backend, we can softdelete posts. But we can't undo moved posts or merged threads.

If you remember which posts belong where, give me a PM. Working on a fix.


And I only noticed because pa49 was not happy:

Pulled that other post over here so we do not clutter up that one.
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