motorola xoom


Mar 9, 2011
At the moment i have a archos 101 tablet, but i am after a motorola xoom, I have been very impressed with most of the reviews, and trailors, It comes out on the 25 march price is £499.
Is there anyone out there after one also, and do you think it is worth the money.:cool:
I have had mine for 2 weeks now. Well tomorrow. Makes it 2 weeks anyway. This thing is a beast and I like its freedom and being able to hookup to HD TV. Also the movie making app on it is great.

Sent from my Xoom
Bought mine on launch day and I love it! You know what they say ... you get what you pay for, especially true when you opt for cheap. When Flash 10.2 is available the end of this month, the Xoom will be a new toy all over again :)

Did a video chat with a fellow Xoomer yesterday. Really cool!
i am a full blown xoom addict now.i use it more then i use my desktop pc since i got it.with the recent update + flash player its even sweeter.
What is honeycombe3 like on the xoom, and also is there plenty of apps on it.

What are you using for video chat? The Skype client I downloaded doesn't appear to support video.
What are you using for video chat? The Skype client I downloaded doesn't appear to support video.

The only video chat I believe that works with android now is Google TALK. I have heard some say that FRING works but the video quality is poor.
Wonder if the ipad2 is so great, then why are you hanging on a xoom forum? This unit is the bom and can only get better with each passing week.

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Now why would I be able to use video on Google Talk on my Xoom but my wife can't use video on her laptop? Why would a PC version of software not have video capability?

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I've had the 3G (soon to be 4G) Xoom for 2 days now, and it's quite impressive. I still think $600 is over-priced and would of liked to see this at $500, or even better, $450... but ok. I did create a video review, which is now in the Review Section of this forum. It's a little over 18 minutes in length, and i'll create 2 more follow-up videos, to answer some questions.

On a side note I have used the iPad, and played around with the iPad2... and the Xoom is much better. It just does... more.