Multiple "Logins"


Apr 8, 2011
I've had my new tablet for a few weeks and I'm finding I'm using it a lot more than I thought. However, so is my wife! She is constantly using it for checking facebook, etc.

Anyway, this leads me to wonder if there is a way to setup multiple logins? I did some searching in the forum but didn't see anything. Does anyone know of a solution?
A workaround would be to use separate apps for your wife to use that is set up with her credentials. A 2nd idea would be to set her up with a separate browser and have her use the web interfaces for email, facebook, etc.
Yeah, I've been thinking down those roads. I know the stock rom had "family members" login, but I didn't play with it much. Doing some google searching has just turned up requests for multiple logins, but there doesn't seem to be anything out there.

Is there a way to load the same app twice, such as the facebook app? Or would I have to just find a different "facebook" app in the market for her to use?
The later is more likely a different app would do the trick

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