Multiple OS ?


Nov 11, 2012
Hi All, My fisrt Post!

Can I start by saying I'm not very Tech but I have done my Homework before asking the question that ends this post.
Also I don't own a Tablet and have never had an android product at all.

I have arrived at the decision to buy the ASUS Transformer Infinity TF700
The reason I'm not going to go for IOS and get an ipad3 is because I feel IOS is not a good platform as a laptop replacement (no filing system) + I have an iphone
The reson I wont be going for windows 8 is because windows draws on two many resources and is too buggy + I have a Top end Windows Gamin Lap Top already (But it's 17" way to chunky)

My final question before I go ahead and buy the infinity relates to the stauts of progress and possibilities around the corner for running multiple OS's on one device.

Now, before I get slated I'm completely aware that IOS is Closed Source, an that it's virtually impossible to get that on anything!

BUT!... What about Windows 8 and Anroid?

In theory could we not have a 64GB Tablet with Windows 8 on one 32GB partition and Android on another 32GB Partition on something like the infinty?
Would we need to have one core OS and emulate the other so it wold slow down :( or could be have both OS's seperately on a hard drive with the option to boot either?
Would we need something more powerful like the soon to be UK released Surface Pro to be able to handle both or would the Infinity be up to the task?

If we combine all these questions what I'm ultimately asking is can we realistically in the very near future (or already) have a Tablet device that we can run on windows 8 and on Android to reap the benifits of both?

Thanks for your time, hope this isn't too much of a common question!?

Adding to my origonal question...

Given that the ASUS Aio can dual boot Windows 8 and ICS 4.0, can't we just instal that entire setup onto the TF700T ?
Currently it isn't possible to dual boot Windows and Android and I don't see it in the near future. Outside of one-off experiments by developers it will take major efforts to make this happen so unless your definition of very near future is 1 year plus then the answer is no. Eventually things like this will be more easily obtainable by people with a little bit of technical knowledge but I wouldn't could on it as a benefit of any current platform and then it will still be niche since the masses don't care.

Aside from the technical challenges you also have to take into account a shift in thinking that has been brought about by tablets. With PCs, the hardware was yours, the software was separate and as long as it wasn't Apple it was up to the individual what software they wanted to run on their hardware and then there was only one default choice, Windows (on the vast majority of PCs). This is no longer the case since the software is now tied to an ecosystem. No longer does a company like Microsoft have any desire to leave the hardware an open option for software use. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and even Barnes & Nobel all have a very strong interest in you only being able to run their OS and be tied to their ecosystem and will certainly fight to keep it that way. This means more lock downs and hurdles to jump to buy one device and choose an OS other than the one that came on it. Arguably Google is the only one that will "let" you put their OS on a device as a second option but really that is just the nature of open source Android.


Edit: PS it also isn't clear at all if there is any advantage to dual booting these types of OSes. It gives you more options but that just means you are more spread out over various ecosystems. Imagine having to reboot into another OS because the app you want to use was purchased on another market. Additionally these are mobile OSes we are talking about (iOS, Android, WinRT) so they are currently very limited compared to true desktop OSes and you don't really get the advantage of multibooting full OSes.
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I don't own a Tablet and have never had an android product at all.


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LOL. can't see those images, but.... I'm 100% about to buy one! So I need to get some good knowledge before I comit to the TF700T and then the market changes to all windows 8 as it can dual boot into Android or something Crazy

With all due respect to you J515OP, I see you are a Senior figure here!

But, How can you say "Currently it isn't possible to dual boot Windows and Android" when the Asus Aio does exactly that?