Multiuser support missing in KitKat


Dec 10, 2013
Any idea where multi-user support has gone in KitKat (4.4.2), in the earlier 4.2 I had a 'User' tab underneather Apps but that has now disappeared in 4.4?
On my N7, it's in Settings Device Users.

BTW When you get a chance, please go to your profile and fill in the Tablet / Device entry. That way folks will know which tablet you have without you having to tell them every time.
Any idea where multi-user support has gone in KitKat (4.4.2), in the earlier 4.2 I had a 'User' tab underneather Apps but that has now disappeared in 4.4?
Thanks Spider, I have added that to my profile now as you suggested.

My tabled simple doesn't have the 'Users' tab available anymore. It could be because I am using a RileyRom version of KitKat, or it might be that the Pipo factory version of KitKat doesn't support multi-user. Will have to do a bit more digging or testing to see what has caused multi-user support to disappear.