Music Ap can't find music


Apr 18, 2011
I have had my tablet for a few months. I was planning to upgrade the ROM, but decided to stick with the stock ROM. I downloaded the Android Music player from Amazon because I had trouble with the stock music player finding my music. The Android music player was finding the music, but it didn't put it in the files correctly. So I have changed the MP3 tags so that the MP3 files will be easier for me to locate. Now the music app won't find any of the music. I saved all my music files on the main internal storage under the folder "music". I tried rebooting as well with no luck. I also tried the stock music player again - same thing. HELP! Barbara
Double check the folder to make sure that there isn't a file ".nomedia"... it will block media apps from pulling from the folder... that'd be my starting point.. after that go to the folder via your file manager and tap one of the mp3's to see if they'll even ceom up as media and play... when you say you rebooted?.. did you use the reboot option in the shudown menu or comepletely shut it down and power it back up, which is my suggestion.. power it completly down then breing it back up
I have also had the same problem once before i just took off all music and readded that worked for me