Music player not seeing music files/albums on micro SD card.


Jan 9, 2012
Hello all,

since purchasing my Nook Tablet in Dec. I've been loading/storing my music on a micro sd card. Everythings been working great, and the music player has recognized all the music I've put on up until now. when I load music onto the micro sd card via the USB cable to my computer and clicking and dragging folders from my itunes media to my music folder in my sd card, the nook music player does not see the new music files. When I search for them in the memory card/music folder, its visible and plays, but the tracks read "null-null" and It only plays through the single song I choose. Is there anyway to go about fixing this problem?
I actually fixed the problem by just formatting the card and re-loading all of my music. seems to be working just fine now. Hopefully it will stay like that :) I love the nook tablet, best $250 I've ever spent!
I actually fixed the problem by just formatting the card and re-loading all of my music. seems to be working just fine now. Hopefully it will stay like that :) I love the nook tablet, best $250 I've ever spent!

Just an FYI - It seems you did not remove the SD card as you used the cable. For general knowledge there is an unmount option for the SD card when you do want to remove it.