My internal storage is shrinking


Jun 28, 2012
hello everyone

i newly bought a motorola xoom 2.I didn't have a usb cable so i transfered some video files using motocast.I was able watch these in gallery than i delete some of them in gallery.i lost some space hen i did it like that.Then i downloaded astro file manger app and deleted rest of the files.Again i lost space.

Now when i go to settings in tablet it says tablet have a total of 12 gigs instead of 16 gigs.

I tried with a usb cable but cannot find deleted files or any file worth of 4 gigs.

What can i do about this?

Thanks in advance
Hi there and welcome. I assume you have the 16GB model. 16GB is the total internal memory not what is available to you. The operating system uses about 4GB of that space leaving you with the 12GB that you are seeing. That means you pretty much have an empty device with max storage available to you at the moment.

first of all thank you but i kinda remember seeing 16 gb as total space when i looked at settings->storage. Now i see 12 gb as total space .do i remember wrongly or not? What do you think?
It is possible that you used an app or looked at something that told your drive size not storage space. I am pretty certain you couldn't have seen 16GB of storage if your device is only 16GB. All Android devices lose about 4GB to the system leaving the rest as storage.
