My "NEW" A2109 is coming Yipieeeeeeeee!


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
Hey all:

It finally came I just ordered my A2109 from
Got it for $214.98 shipped, And it should be here either Friday or next Monday.

Again let me Thank All of those who have put up with all my excessive questions and answered them t the Best of their abilities.
You truly are an inspiration.... :cool: :D :)
Thank You all for the Congrats.
And I'm looking forward to using it for a long time to come.. ;)

Now all I've got to get is a SquareTrade Warranty at the first of the month and I'm all set.

They give you 30 days from the purchase date and I'll have 5 left to do it.... Thanks Again: Ricky
Way to go, Ricky! I'm actually excited for you to get it! You're going to love it, I'm sure. I'm steeling myself for another flurry of questions ;).

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

Questions who ME? NAW not little 'ol me! Thanks FloRider. :p
I just checked UPS Tracking and it's out on the truck waiting for delivery.

I can't wait I feel like a kid at Christmas, And knowing me I probably won't get much sleep, And my wife is about ready to shoot me because I won't shut up about it.
Oh well she'll get some peace tonight while I'm working on it and I shut myself in my office .
The best part is it's coming a day early..
OK I know shut up... So i'm shuttin up already. :rolleyes: :p
Did it come yet? :D You sound just like me when I got mine. My wife finally got me one for my birthday because I wouldn't shut up about it. I love it. If you're putting a SD card in it, I was lucky enough to just prop the back off with out any resistance. I also did the shower steam trick for the screen protector and got no bubbles at all.. Have fun with it!
Did it come yet? :D You sound just like me when I got mine. My wife finally got me one for my birthday because I wouldn't shut up about it. I love it. If you're putting a SD card in it, I was lucky enough to just prop the back off with out any resistance. I also did the shower steam trick for the screen protector and got no bubbles at all.. Have fun with it!

YEP came yesterday, and I spent most the night last night setting it up. ;)
I have a few little things to do yet but not much.
I don't see why all the reviews yell about the screen it's fine by me, I put a Clear Screen Protector on it, I hate the Anti Glare ones because they take to much away from the color quality and clairity of the screen in MHO.

It out classes the Iconia by far in so many ways, And certainly is worth the price tag.
Who can complain about the little over $200 price tag?
It has all the features of your higher priced ones, But also has so much more then the sub $200 ones.

I did put in a 32gb Class 10 micro sd card without any problems getting the cover off or putting it back on , And I didn't do the shower trick like you but I to didn't have any troubles putting my Screen Protector on.

I another words "I LOVE IT"!!!!!!! :cool:
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I like to think of the viewing angle issue as a privacy feature. ;) About the only time I am sharing the view is watching videos in landscape mode. It is portrait mode where it washes out some if you're off to the side. I am pleased with my tablet also. I think my power issue of a few days ago has been resolved and it appears it could have happened to any device with capacitive input and not all would have recovered so well.
I like to think of the viewing angle issue as a privacy feature. ;) About the only time I am sharing the view is watching videos in landscape mode. It is portrait mode where it washes out some if you're off to the side. I am pleased with my tablet also. I think my power issue of a few days ago has been resolved and it appears it could have happened to any device with capacitive input and not all would have recovered so well.

I'm happy that it's resolved for you, The tablet god's must have been smiling down on you.
As for the privacy bit GOOD THOUGHT!!!!!