My pdf-files take ages to load when reading them / scrolling down. What can I do?


Sep 5, 2012

I have an ACER Iconia a500 tab, and have some pdf e-books. Since I'm a student, I read some "heavy" books (large files), and the problem is, that it takes me up to a minute to open the first page, and sometimes even a few minutes to view the next page(s) when scrolling down. It's annoying and my studying takes a lot more time.

I use EzPDF-reader, and "docs to go", both full versions, I think docs to go is slightly better, but still not good enough.

Anyone knows how to fix this issue? I even remember having moments of "freezing" of a pdf-file, and had to restart my tablet.

Maybe you can suggest a light pdf-reader, which doesn't use much memory space, so I can easily read the "heavy" books?

I hope someone can help...
You do not say how big (Megabytes), How long (Seconds, minutes, hours?),pages or types of PDFs. Some PDFs are set up with mixed Graphics and cut/paste text or just images of each page.
Details will help identify if any suggestion is possible. There are too many variables from your question.
OK. the file size is 128 MB, the book has many images, but in my friend's Ipad and on my PC (I have a laptop and a stationary PC), it opens immediately, without problems.

It depends on the page how long it takes to load: Some pages load within 5-10 seconds (still too long), and some even never want to load properly. And as I said, it can "freeze", and sometimes "unfreeze" after x-amount of seconds/minutes, or I have to restart my tablet.

The book has about 1200 pages, and I only use one pdf file at a time.

If you need more information, just tell me.
I happened to have a 110 Mb PDF/500 pages which closest matched your needs. It was NOT 1200 pages, but it was high number of mixed text and graphics. I have EzPDF Pro and Adobe Reader. I do not have an Acer, but an ASUS TF101 which is similar.
Two things I noticed.
1. Both pursue different rendering logic.
2. The more graphical the pages, the longer it takes to load.

I had issues with EZpdf on loading and scrolling to a page about halfway through. It did not so much freeze as it was trying to render all the pages prior before loading the needed page. It had this issue even if going just to page 5. This would take an extremely long time and finally closed it out.
Loading the same page using Adobe reader about half way down was blocky in page display, but loaded within 5 seconds.

The problem I think is the rendering process. If the app wants to render the entire document for indexing before reading, it will take a very Looonnnng time before pages are ready. But, once all rendered, the pages would load faster. This makes sense for smaller high density PDFs like Magazines.
If on the other hand, it renders the pages as unique, it will be faster for moving about. but will be blocky in display. This would make sense for Huge PDFs which are similar to your textbook.
When I say blocky, it renders the page in sections, not in one single rendering action.

I think it is the selection of PDF readers. I would suggest trying Adobe Reader and seeing if it is better.

Sorry, that is my best suggestion. Huge PDFs are an issue for PCs and IPads, it just is not as noticable. I tried loading the PDF on a first gen IPad I have available. It provided a similar experience to the ASUS. The PC was an I7 Notebook, and the delay was most noticable when loading a page about 2/3s down.

Best of Luck