My Zenithink c91 ANDROID 4.0.1 Wont start up? Please help


Feb 2, 2012

My Zenithink c91 ANDROID 4.0.1 Wont start up? Please help, i updated today without a problem after that played for hour , put it down aand
came back later the screen wouldnt go on, the corner light were green though and rom was working i guess ut nothig happens with the screen and i have charged it for 4 hrs now, still noting, anyne know these cases?
Try pressing the reset button. You will need a paper clip or similar to press the button.

If that doesn't work try pressing and holding the power button until the green light goes out.
Then press the power button in for a second and let go and see what happens.
If you don't see a screen with "Zepad" on it then repeat the process.
Try also doing this with the charger plugged in.

This is how I recovered from a similar situation.

Hope this helps.


Sent from my ZT ICS using Tapatalk
I tried to do the process many times it didnt work, when i press reset button green light and charging light (red) goes off, and i press
powerbutton then green light goes on and it wont come off until batteri is empty or i press reset button again. only *pop* voice comes from the back speakers as it is on but nothing comes from the screen.
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I tried to do the process many times it didnt work, when i press reset button green light and charging light (red) goes off, and i press
powerbutton then green light goes on and it wont come off until batteri is empty or i press reset button again. only *pop* voice comes from the back speakers as it is on but nothing comes from the screen.

I have exactly the same problem. When on charger I see the red lamp but then nothing.

I tried all the above steps but nothing (reset it, hold the power button for 10secs, power button & camera)...

I am very disappointed... I have only had this tablet for 4 days. I wouldnt recomend it to anyone!

Waste of money! :(
send it back from where you brought it and get a refund or replacement tablet

My Zenithink c91 ANDROID 4.0.1 Wont start up? Please help, i updated today without a problem after that played for hour , put it down aand
came back later the screen wouldnt go on, the corner light were green though and rom was working i guess ut nothig happens with the screen and i have charged it for 4 hrs now, still noting, anyne know these cases?
I have had this three times now.
It is at the moment in the same situation as yours.

The first two it locked with something on the screen but nothing worked - no power button or anything.
I let the battery run down - DO NOT keep charging it. It then started as normal.
I reported it to the auction online supplier who has toldme to install Android 4.0
I have done this and like you, was using it for a while and it locked up with a black screen in the middle of doing a file copy.
Same think - no screen display, green light and power does not work.
Tried the reflash but still no luck.
I have a hard drive that is powered by the USB so I am using this to drain the battery quicker.
I have reported it as faulty to my supplier.
Suspect there may be a fault somewhere.
Is there any chance that you were doing something that used up the internal NAND flash ? I was in the process of copying 1.8GB to my device when it stopped. Ther should have been enough space though.
I am beginning to think that I may have a NAND or internal memory problem that locks it up.
Adding to my last comment - used a fine wire in reset hole and it rebooted when I hiot the power button without running the battery down.
Not tried it extensively ut had to do it the second time when I next powered off and on again.
Maybe needs the reset to be used each time - not sure yet.
I have exactly the same problem. When on charger I see the red lamp but then nothing.

I tried all the above steps but nothing (reset it, hold the power button for 10secs, power button & camera)...

I am very disappointed... I have only had this tablet for 4 days. I wouldnt recomend it to anyone!

Waste of money! :(

Same here the display went black but you can hear the key presses, and yes i fixed it:)
It was a loose lcd connector inside
, it was not closed properly
, to open the c91 first take out two small screws on the i/0 side then start slowly oppening the unit on the long sides

Good luck
send it back from where you brought it and get a refund or replacement tablet

if like me you purchased it from china direct or similar you can forget any help. 12 month warranty, that's a joke, e-mailed them non stop. after about 15 e-mails i got a reply saying long press camera button. apart from that they are ignoring me. shame as it was a nice tablet.
I too have purchased ZT 280 , It was working when delivered , after that it stopped working, not getting started at all.
I thought there might be a battery problem,but after charging for one hour it didn't started.

I Think we have to suite them in court, stop there sales in UK unless there is quality.
Slightly different problem but along the same vein. I've had mine for a couple of months, all worked fine until the other day. When I switched it on, I got the 'Zepad' logo, followed by the 'Android' green robot, followed by the 'android' screen, then, nothing. It just seems to hang there. I can switch it off, reset it, switch it on with no problem but it just keeps 'hanging' on that 'android' start up screen.
Any ideas folks?
I have the same problem just that I had the tablet for about 1 week. It starts, says ZTPad and then andorid and it keep saying andorid until the battery doesn't discharge. I treid rebooting it but the same problem happeden.. Help me please.
Sorry for bad english.